Quectel Unveils Multi-Mode SC682A Smart LTE Module at Electronica 2024, Offering Extended Life Cycle
Electronica -- Quectel Wireless Solutions, a global IoT solutions provider, is excited to introduce the SC682A, an advanced smart module featuring multi-mode LTE Cat 4, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth 5.1 connectivity as well as dual band GNSS capabilities. Featuring the Android 13-18 operating system built-in, the module offers an extended life cycle to at least 2030, assuring customers of the smart module’s long service lifespan.
This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20241112832165/en/
The module is engineered for high performance and multimedia capabilities, featuring a flexible memory configuration. This versatility enables it to support a broad range of industrial and consumer applications, delivering high data rates and robust multimedia functionality.
“We’re proud to unveil the Quectel SC682A multi-mode smart LTE module at this year’s Electronica event,” said Norbert Muhrer, President and CSO, Quectel Wireless Solutions. “This powerful new module brings together flexible memory configurations and the convenience of the Android 13-18 operating system built-in to the smart module. Further to this, the Quectel SC682A will have a lifetime that extends to at least 2030, providing LTE Cat 4, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 5.1 connectivity to a vast range of smart use cases.”
Interfaces for cameras, touch panels, MIC, SPK, UART, USN I2C and SPI extend the module’s use cases to include smart versions of POS, home gateways, robots, wearables, safety devices, vending machines, lockers and audio and video recorders. In addition, the high data rate – of 150Mbps downlink and 50Mbps uplink via LTE Cat 4 - supports video streaming and entertainment systems. Further connection flexibility is assured thanks to the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth capabilities as well as accurate positioning supported thanks to the embedded dual-band multi-constellation and high-sensitivity GNSS receiver.
Able to operate in temperatures from -35 °C to +75 °C, the Quectel SC682A is set to be both RoHS and REACH compliant. The smart module’s dimensions are 43.0mm x 44.0mm x 2.85mm, supporting maximized flexibility for device designers and developers. The Quectel SC682A provides flexible memory configuration with its LPDDR4X + eMMC memory architecture, enhancing performance and adaptability for various applications.
Quectel offers a range of antenna options to support the module, including the YEMN017AA and YEMN016AA combo antennas, with the YEMN400J1AH and YEMN401J1AH available as four port versions. For embedded FPC antenna options, choices include the YF0022DA for LTE Main and RX-Diversity, the YFGA003AA for GNSS, and the YF0027AA for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.
Quectel's IoT modules are built with a strong focus on security. Partnering with independent third-party test organizations, Quectel integrates advanced security measures, including the generation of SBOMs (Software Bill of Materials) and VEX files, alongside thorough firmware binary analysis, across every stage of the software development lifecycle. In addition, the SC682A smart module will be certified under the EU RED DA cybersecurity regulation, providing Quectel customers with robust, compliant security.
Quectel is exhibiting at Electronica 2024 in Munich – schedule a meeting with us to find out more about the SC682A and the rest of the Quectel range.
About Quectel
Quectel’s passion for a smarter world drives us to accelerate IoT innovation. A highly customer-centric organization, we are a global IoT solutions provider backed by outstanding support and services. Our growing global team of 5,600 professionals sets the pace for innovation in cellular, GNSS, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth modules as well as antennas and services.
With regional offices and support across the globe, our international leadership is devoted to advancing IoT and helping build a smarter world.
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