Aptean Unveils Aptean AppCentral: A Revolutionary AI-Embedded Platform Enabling Businesses to Scale
ATLANTA, Nov. 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Aptean, an AI-first company and global provider of mission-critical enterprise software solutions, is accelerating innovation for its customers with the launch of Aptean AppCentral. The new platform offers a broad portfolio of pre-integrated, AI-embedded, purpose-built solutions designed to digitize customers' end-to-end operations.
Aptean AppCentral is more than a conventional software product or a customer portal. It integrates a suite of pre-connected, industry-specific applications into an AI-embedded platform, purpose-built to support end-to-end business efficiency. Aptean AppCentral transforms the entire back office, from customer service to delivery. With AI-optimized workflows, it saves businesses time and provides comprehensive visibility across their entire operations. It enables companies to scale and grow, resulting in increased profitability, productivity, and efficiency.
Launched today at ‘UNITE 2024', Aptean's flagship conference in Atlanta, GA, Aptean AppCentral is currently being trialed by Aptean's Discrete Manufacturing customers. It brings AI to customers' fingertips, tailored to their specific industry needs and workflows. This ensures AI's delivery is much more powerful when and where they need it. Aptean is delivering rapid transformation at scale, which, when combined with highly specialized industry expertise across the segments and industries that Aptean serves, sets the company apart.
Speaking at ‘UNITE,' Aptean CEO, TVN Reddy said: “AppCentral showcases our commitment to being an AI-first company, highlighting the extensive capabilities of our digital solutions. By integrating AI into every facet of operations, we deliver exponentially greater value to our customers. Aptean is investing in the future, allowing our customers to focus on their daily operations, knowing they have a dedicated partner who deeply understands their industry. This is our unique advantage.”
Today's announcement underscores Aptean's unique ability to utilize Enterprise AI at scale, drive digital transformation, operational efficiency, and excellence in customer experience with its AI-first software solutions. With over $650m in annual revenue, 4,000 employees, and 10,000 global customers, Aptean is well-positioned to invest heavily in AI-embedded innovations and lead the market in helping vertically focused manufacturers and distributors stay ahead.
About Aptean:
Aptean is a global provider of industry-specific software that helps manufacturers and distributors effectively run and grow their businesses. Aptean's solutions and services help businesses of all sizes to be Ready for What's Next, Now®. Aptean is headquartered in Alpharetta, Georgia and has offices in North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific. To learn more about Aptean and the markets we serve, visit www.aptean.com. Aptean and Ready for What's Next, Now are Registered Trademarks of Aptean, Inc. All other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.
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