Merrithew® Enhances Pilates Offering and Expands Global Footprint with Acquisition of Align-Pilates
Toronto, Nov. 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Merrithew®, a global leader in mindful movement and the creator of industry-leading education programs such as STOTT PILATES®, ZEN•GA®, Total Barre® and Halo® Training, is pleased to announce the acquisition of T.L. Elliott & Co Ltd, owner of Align-Pilates Equipment Ltd (“Align-Pilates”), a leading brand in Pilates equipment and accessories known for providing quality, well-crafted solutions for professional studio and home use.
The acquisition reinforces Merrithew’s commitment to growing the mindful movement industry. The addition of Align-Pilates strengthens Merrithew’s ability to serve the Pilates community with a complementary global footprint and an expanded portfolio of high-quality and versatile equipment suited for studios and individual enthusiasts. Merrithew remains dedicated to its leadership in premium Pilates education programs and equipment, while supporting Align-Pilates’ reputation for providing quality, accessible Pilates solutions. Together, Merrithew and Align-Pilates stand to accelerate Pilates participation worldwide and deliver significant value to the rapidly growing mindful movement industry.
“The acquisition of Align-Pilates reflects our approach to thoughtful growth and our ongoing mission to deliver innovative, quality equipment, accessories and education to a larger global community,” said Jim Heidenreich, CEO of Merrithew. “We are excited to welcome Align-Pilates and look forward to advancing our shared commitment to excellence and innovation in the industry. Our goal is to inspire and educate, empowering more practitioners, customers, and educators with exceptional products and high-calibre training.”
About Merrithew®
Merrithew® is the global leader in mind-body education and equipment. Founded in 1988 and headquartered in Toronto, Canada, Merrithew has trained more than 80,000 instructors and partners worldwide, developed six innovative education programs — STOTT PILATES®, ZEN•GA®, Total Barre®, Halo® Training, Merrithew Fascial Movement and CORE™ Athletic Conditioning & Performance Training™ — and has produced an extensive line of professional and at-home equipment and accessories for personal and professional use.
In 2020, Merrithew launched Merrithew Connect™, a video streaming platform featuring new and signature Pilates, fitness and mind-body workouts and training from its internationally recognized team of presenters.
About Align-Pilates
Founded in 2010 and headquartered in Evesham, United Kingdom, Align-Pilates is a leading brand in Pilates apparatuses and accessories that was built on providing affordable, high quality products for both professional studios and home use. Known for its durability, functionality, and innovation, Align-Pilates offers a comprehensive range of equipment designed to meet the needs of studios and instructors worldwide.
For more information, interviews and to request images, contact:
Jessica McIntyre
Merrithew International
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