The Sanborn Map Company, Inc. Receives Certification to ISO 9001:2015 Standard
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., Nov. 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Performance Review Institute (PRI) Registrar recognizes The Sanborn Map Company, Inc. for having met the stringent requirements of the 9001:2015 international standard, their ongoing commitment to satisfying stakeholders, and their dedication to continual improvement of their management system.
The Sanborn Map Company, Inc. announces that it has received certification to the Multi-Site Quality Management System 9001:2015 Standards.
“Sanborn’s commitment is to consistently provide the highest value to our customers with quality products, information, and services. Sanborn’s quality management process is the foundation for our success. We are pleased to continue our history of ISO certification. We value PRI Registrar as our partner to help us achieve this accomplishment,” said John Copple, CEO Sanborn.
“The Sanborn Map Company, Inc. has demonstrated its commitment to world class Multi-Site Quality Management System encompassing Geographic Information Products and Services (GIS) by implementing and becoming certified to the 9001:2015 standard. They have joined an elite number of organizations worldwide who have achieved certification to this globally recognized 9001:2015 standard,” said Randy Daugharthy, Vice President – Registrar at the Performance Review Institute Registrar. “PRI Registrar is proud to partner with The Sanborn Map Company, Inc. in this accomplishment and look forward to continued support of their objective of 9001:2015 Quality Management System excellence.”
About Sanborn
Sanborn specializes in harnessing cutting-edge geospatial technology to deliver data-driven insights for smarter decision-making. Our innovative solutions integrate advanced GIS, multiple sources of data, and AI-powered analytics to help businesses and governments optimize their operations, manage resources, and plan for the future. Whether it's asset management, urban planning, environmental monitoring, or infrastructure development, Sanborn provides timely, precise location intelligence that empowers our clients to make informed, strategic choices with confidence.
About PRI Registrar
Since 1995, Performance Review Institute Registrar, an independent certification body, has certified a multitude of organizations to international quality, environment, health & safety and information security standards. As an affiliate of SAE International, PRI Registrar is a not-for-profit organization, uniquely motivated with a mission and commitment to improve performance in any industry it serves. To learn more information, visit or contact PRI Registrar at today.
Media Contact
Jason Caldwell, Vice President of Business Development and Sales
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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