Horizon Group USA Accelerates Global Growth Strategy with Expanded Leadership
Claire Gilchrist appointed SVP of International Sales and Business Development to bolster Horizon Group’s reach across global markets; Grant Gie joins as VP of International Sales and Business Development, leading EMEA strategy.
Claire Gilchrist, SVP International Sales and Business Development
Claire Gilchrist appointed SVP of International Sales and Business Development to bolster Horizon Group’s reach across global markets
Grant Gie, VP of International Sales and Business Development
Grant Gie joins Horizon Group USA as VP of International Sales and Business Development, leading EMEA strategy
NEW PROVIDENCE, N.J., Nov. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Horizon Group USA, a leading global provider of innovative activity experience products, today announced the expansion of its international sales team, including two key hires that will drive the company’s growth and play a pivotal role in expanding its global footprint.
Claire Gilchrist joins as Senior Vice President of International Sales and Business Development, overseeing Horizon Group’s rapid expansion into crucial LATAM, EMEA, and Asia Pacific markets. A toy industry veteran, she has extensive experience managing businesses and building brands across Europe, Asia, and North America, leading high-performing teams at notable multi-national entertainment companies like Hasbro, Mattel, and Disney.
Additionally, Grant Gie has been appointed Vice President of International Sales and Business Development, further strengthening the company’s leadership. Based in the UK, he will spearhead Horizon Group’s EMEA strategy. Gie previously held roles in sales and licensing across the toy industry and established strong relationships with stakeholders in the region.
“Horizon Group is poised to be a leading player in the global marketplace. Claire and Grant have the vision, talent, and relationships to amplify recent growth and expand Horizon’s creative reach,” said Evan Buzzerio, Partner & Chief Commercial Officer at Horizon Group USA. “Their deep industry knowledge and regional expertise will strategically build Horizon Group’s global presence and make creativity accessible for an international consumer audience through our engaging product lines.”
The appointments underscore Horizon Group’s aggressive global growth strategy. The company has made substantial progress in EMEA and LATAM regions, securing placement for Horizon-owned brands and introducing SLIMYGLOOP®, STMT™, and Just My Style in new retail customers, as well as premiere licensed lines, including Squishmallows and Play-Doh alternate compounds. Horizon Group anticipates continued retail expansion in Spring 2025, supported by targeted marketing efforts to build consumer awareness locally.
“Horizon Group is experiencing incredible momentum, and I’m looking forward to architecting our next chapter of international growth,” said Claire Gilchrist, SVP of International Sales at Horizon Group USA. “We are working closely in partnership with customers across LATAM and EMEA to bring consumers high quality, trend-forward product ranges only Horizon Group can deliver, and we are already receiving incredibly enthusiastic responses from retailers and distributors.”
Horizon Group has solidified its position as a category leader in the craft industry through its development of owned brand lines, including STMT™ and SLIMYGLOOP®, and building solid relationships with the hottest properties to deliver a range of character-based licensed craft and activity kits that complement the Horizon Group portfolio. Horizon’s robust portfolio of brands and renewed focus on strategic partnerships, positions the company for continued global momentum.
As part of the company’s strategy to connect with a broad audience of international buyers, Horizon Group USA will exhibit for the first time at the Nuremberg Toy Fair in 2025. Attendees can make an appointment to visit Horizon Group at stand F-23
For more information and to receive the latest updates, follow the company at HorizonGroupUSA.com, @HorizonGroupUSA on Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube, and @HGUSA on Facebook.
About Horizon Group:
Horizon’s rich history in the trend industry dates back to 1912 – and while many things have evolved, one element remains the same: Creativity. It’s universally human, and we believe creativity is for everyone. As a global leader providing trend-driven DIY and educational activity kits, our mission is clear: Connecting People Through Creativity. We need to fuel each generation with the power to explore the world around them and unlock their potential. By supporting each stage of development with thoughtful, hands-on entertainment – Horizon Group USA doesn’t just deliver products with lasting benefits. We inspire the entire creative family to be the best version of themselves – proudly expressive, confident, and unique.
Litzky Public Relations
Marissa Lambert
Photos accompanying this announcement are available at:
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