DEBx Medical Secures Expanded Investment from TVM Capital Healthcare
Propelling the Next Phase of Innovation in Chronic Wound Management
DEBx Medical is poised for accelerated growth in chronic wound solutions, bolstered by the second round of investment by TVM Capital Healthcare.
AMSTERDAM and DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, Nov. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- DEBx Medical, an Amsterdam-based pioneering innovator in the field of advanced wound care, announces the successful completion of its second capital investment round led by TVM Capital Healthcare. The funding will accelerate DEBx Medical’s global expansion into major markets around the world.
The investment follows a successful initial round of funding and reflects growing confidence in DEBx Medical’s innovative approach to chronic wound management, specifically through its breakthrough solution, DEBRICHEM®, a topical desiccating agent used to eradicate biofilm and infection from chronic wounds.
Global Market Expansion to Transform Chronic Wound Care
This second investment round will support the company’s strategy to expand into the highly regulated and competitive markets, further supporting DEBx Medical’s mission to transform the management of chronic wounds and improve patient outcomes.
Chronic wounds impose a considerable burden on healthcare systems world over, not just due to their prevalence but also due to the associated costs, complications, and impacts on patients' quality of life.
DEBRICHEM® offers an unparalleled solution completely eradicating biofilm and infection from chronic wounds, and with CE and ISO certifications obtained, the company has successfully treated thousands of patients since its market introduction.
Investor Perspective
“This new round of funding from TVM Capital Healthcare will accelerate the commercialization of DEBRICHEM® worldwide and enable DEBx Medical to reach more patients and alleviate the suffering caused by non-healing wounds,” commented Tristan de Boysson, Managing Partner of TVM Capital Healthcare. “We are also recommitting to the TVM Healthcare Afiyah Fund strategy to bring innovative solutions to the MENA region, particularly, in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and look forward to working with this impressive team to achieve those objectives.”
TVM Capital Healthcare’s renewed investment will further enable DEBx Medical to expand its commercialization efforts.
“We are excited to take this important step in DEBx Medical’s journey toward global expansion,” said Bert Quint, CEO of DEBx Medical. “This round of funding will allow us to enter key markets around the world, where the burden of chronic wounds remains significant. Our investors’ support is a strong validation of our product’s potential to transform wound care practices worldwide.”
Driving Innovation in Wound Care
DEBRICHEM® has already made a significant impact in Europe and parts of the MENA region, including KSA, offering healthcare professionals a powerful solution to treat chronic wounds. The product has shown remarkable results in helping restart the healing process in wounds where biofilm and infection have been a barrier.
A Media Snippet accompanying this announcement is available by clicking on this link.
Future Growth and Development
In addition to expanding its geographic reach, DEBx Medical plans to continue advancing its research and development efforts to introduce new solutions in wound care. The company’s focus on clinical data and evidence-based medicine will remain a driving force as it seeks to broaden its product portfolio and address unmet needs in chronic wound treatment.
About DEBx Medical
DEBx Medical is dedicated to transforming wound care through innovative, scientifically driven solutions. Founded in 2019, the company’s mission is to improve the lives of patients with chronic wounds by providing healthcare professionals with groundbreaking tools to treat complex wounds effectively. DEBRICHEM®, the company’s flagship product, is a topical desiccating agent that eliminates biofilm and infection, promoting faster and more efficient wound healing. For more information, visit: DEBx Medical - Innovating The Future of Wound Care (
About TVM Capital Healthcare
TVM Capital Healthcare is a global healthcare private equity firm specializing in emerging markets. Headquartered in Dubai and Singapore, with offices in Riyadh, Boston, Munich, and Ho Chi Minh City, the firm invests expansion and growth capital in healthcare companies to improve local access to quality and affordable care, as well as local sources of medical products in the pharma, medical device, and diagnostics sectors. Investment and operating partners, as well as a strong group of regional and international senior advisors, have long-standing track records in healthcare investing and deep operating experience in the Middle East and Southeast Asia. For more information visit:
For media inquiries, please contact:
DEBx Medical: Chandrita Jaisinghani,, +31 85 0878096
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