VistaJet Celebrates 20 Years of Excellence with Top Industry Recognition at AsBAA Icons of Aviation
istaJet Celebrates 20 Years of Excellence with Top Industry Recognition at AsBAA Icons of Aviation Awards for the Sixth Consecutive Time

Hong Kong/Singapore, 14 November 2024 – VistaJet, the world’s first and only global private aviation company, was honored with the title of Best AOC Charter Operator at the prestigious Asian Business Aviation Association (AsBAA) Icons of Aviation Awards. 2024 marks the sixth consecutive year* that VistaJet has been recognized for its industry-leading excellence, service, and operational superiority.
This year’s accolade is particularly meaningful as it coincides with VistaJet’s 20th anniversary, a milestone in its two-decade-long journey of redefining luxury private travel and setting new standards in the global aviation industry.
In addition to winning the Best AOC Charter Operator award, VistaJet was nominated across five other categories, including:
- Safety Champion Award for upholding the highest safety standards while operating a global fleet covering 96% of the world.
- Green Champion Award for its commitment to sustainability and environmentally conscious initiatives.
- Most Innovative Company Award for its continuous creativity and innovation in enhancing client experiences.
- Trailblazer of the Year Award for Amy Yang, Vice President Marketing, APAC & IMEA, leading the Women in Aviation initiative, breaking barriers and stereotypes across cultures and gender in the industry.
- Best Charter Brokerage Award for Vista, VistaJet’s parent company, for successfully expanding its off-fleet business by onboarding operating partners in Asia onto Vista’s XO platform.
Ian Moore, Chief Commercial Officer at VistaJet, reflected on this continued success: “To be recognized as the best operator for six consecutive years is an incredible honor given to us by the industry. This award is a testament to our unique business model and our team’s dedication to provide exceptional service with the highest standards to our clients and business partners around the world.”
Eric Lam, Chief Operating Officer at AsBAA, congratulated VistaJet on its success: “VistaJet’s six-year reign as the Best AOC Charter Operator is a remarkable achievement. Their dedication to innovation, safety, and client satisfaction has consistently set the industry standard. We congratulate VistaJet on their well-deserved recognition and look forward to their continued leadership in the years to come.”
A Year of Significant Growth and Milestones
As reported by Henley & Partners Centi-millionaire report, four Asian cities and territories are currently among the world’s top 10 centi-millionaire hotspots —Beijing, Singapore, Shanghai, and Hong Kong. Both Singapore and Hong Kong are forecast to enjoy exceptionally high wealth growth rates of over 100% by 2040.
Riding the growing trend of centi-millionaires in Asia, VistaJet saw exceptional performance in 2024 with an impressive growth in the Asia-Pacific region. Key highlights for the first half of the year include:
- An 11% rise in new Program Members across Asia Pacific.
- A 19% increase in total flights in Asia Pacific, with a 28% growth in Southeast Asia, showcasing VistaJet’s expanding reach and demand across the region.
- A 27% year-on-year increase in flight hours in Southeast Asia, contributing to an 11% overall growth in APAC, driven by rising demand for seamless and tailored business travel solutions.
VistaJet has been redefining the private aviation experience, transforming flight time into a journey of comfort and well-being. Its comprehensive Wellness program, alongside exclusive Member’s offerings such as VistaPet for the little furry travelers, Adventures in the Sky for the young explorers, and its Michelin-starred private dining experiences at 45,000 feet, set a new height for luxury travel.
As the private aviation industry continues to grow, VistaJet is proud to be at the forefront of meeting the needs of private travel. With Vista’s global infrastructure to support its service, VistaJet is gearing up to maintain its leadership for years to come.
*The last Icons of Aviation Award ceremony prior to 2023 took place in 2019 due to Covid 19.
Image: Amy Yang, Vice President Marketing, APAC & IMEA (middle) and James Clark, Vice President Fleet Sales, APAC (right) accept the award for Best AOC Charter Operator presented by Paul Desgrosseilliers, Treasurer of Asian Business Aviation Association (left).
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About Vista
Vista Global Holding Limited (Vista) is the world’s leading global business aviation company providing worldwide business flight services through its network of subsidiaries and a team of over 4,000 experts. A global group headquartered in Dubai, Vista integrates a unique portfolio of companies to offer asset free services to cover all key aspects of business aviation, including guaranteed and on demand global flight coverage, subscription and membership solutions, and trading and management services.
Innovating the industry for 20 years through continuous investment in talent, technology, and infrastructure, Vista’s mission is to provide the most advanced flying services at the very best value — anytime, anywhere around the world.
Vista’s extensive industry expertise enables it to deliver comprehensive end-to-end solutions and technology to meet the needs of business aviation clients around the world. These services are offered through its leading brands, including VistaJet and XO.
More Vista information and news at
“Vista” is a trade name for Vista Global Holding Limited. Vista does not operate any aircraft. All flights are performed by properly licensed operators, which may include subsidiaries such as VistaJet Limited or VistaJet GmbH. Vista also holds a non-controlling minority stake in FAA-licensed and DOT registered US direct air carriers XOJET Aviation LLC (DBA Vista America), Red Wing Aeroplane LLC (DBA Vista America), Western Air Charter, Inc. (DBA Vista America), Jet Select, LLC (DBA Vista America), and Talon Air LLC.
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