FPT Launches FPT AI Factory to Accelerate AI Development in Japan, Offering Local Companies Pre-Orde
FPT, a global leading IT firm and Preferred NVIDIA Cloud Partner (NCP), officially announced the launch of the FPT AI Factory in Japan using the full-stack NVIDIA accelerated computing platform. This flagship solution serves as a one-stop shop for AI and Cloud services, offering immense computing power for AI advancement and contributing to developing Sovereign AI in the country. Japanese customers can expedite AI development with priority access to premium solutions and features through an exclusive pre-order.
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At the NVIDIA AI Summit in Japan, FPT has debuted FPT AI Factory, an all-inclusive stack for end-to-end AI product lifecycle, including three main groups. FPT AI Infrastructure offers GPU cloud services with unprecedented computing power to accelerate model development and deployment. FPT AI Studio offers intelligent tools for building, pre-training, and fine-tuning AI models in depth using NVIDIA NeMo. FPT AI Inference, supported by NVIDIA NIM and NVIDIA AI Blueprints, enables customers to effectively deploy and scale their models in terms of size and number of usages. FPT AI Factory is integrated with 20+ ready-to-use AI products, built upon Generative AI, for rapid AI adoption and instant results in elevating customer experience, achieving operational excellence, transforming the human workforce, and optimizing operating expenses.
Powered by thousands of NVIDIA Hopper GPUs and next-generation ones, boosting with the latest NVIDIA AI Enterprise software platform, FPT AI Factory grants regional clientele scalable and confidential supercomputing along with essential tools to cultivate sophisticated AI technologies from scratch with faster time-to-market. This also empowers businesses to manage resources and processes expeditiously, optimizing total cost of ownership (TCO).
FPT is now accepting pre-orders for FPT AI Factory, allowing local corporate clients to leverage the diverse ecosystem of AI and Cloud, earn cloud credit, and gain early access to premium features. Combined with tailor-made consultation from seasoned AI & Cloud experts, enterprises in any industry can reinforce successful AI journeys with practical, high-value solutions.
Japan currently faces a shortage of GPU cloud solutions necessary to drive economic growth, promote innovation, and facilitate digital transformation in a secure manner. FPT’s AI-ready infrastructure in Japan provides local businesses and the government with unparalleled computational performance, high efficiency, and low-latency interactions to enrich research & development capabilities while safeguarding sensitive data and maintaining sovereignty.
By joining the NVIDIA Partner Network as a Service Delivery Partner, FPT will utilize NVIDIA's cutting-edge products and technologies to develop bespoke cloud services, hardware, software, and comprehensive integration services to drive the digital transformation in Japan.
Dr. Truong Gia Binh, FPT Corporation Chairman and Founder, affirmed, "Artificial intelligence continues to be a transformative technology for the entire world. In line with NVIDIA's global initiative, we are working closely with strategic partners to develop cloud infrastructure essential for AI applications worldwide, especially in Japan. We are committed to dedicating all necessary resources and accompanying the Japanese government, enterprises, and partners in the nation’s AI investment and development efforts. Through this significant project, we are aligning our vision and action to rapidly expand AI applications on a global scale while actualizing the collective vision of Japan and Vietnam in becoming AI nations.”
John Fanelli, NVIDIA Vice President of Enterprise AI Software, said, "In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, Japan recognizes the importance of sovereign AI solutions for driving innovation, supporting data security, and maintaining technological independence. The FPT AI Factory built on NVIDIA accelerated computing and software represents a significant step towards meeting this need, offering Japanese companies access to cutting-edge AI infrastructure while fostering local AI development and expertise."
In April 2024, FPT publicized the development of AI Factories through a comprehensive strategic collaboration with NVIDIA. That marked a significant milestone in FPT's AI journey, aiming to promote AI research and development in the region and expand advanced AI and cloud capabilities on a global scale.
About FPT Corporation
FPT Corporation (FPT) is a global leading technology and IT services provider headquartered in Vietnam. FPT operates in three core sectors: Technology, Telecommunications, and Education. As AI is indeed a key focus, FPT has been integrating AI across its products and solutions to drive innovation and enhance user experiences within its Made by FPT ecosystem. FPT is actively working on expanding its capabilities in AI through investments in human resources, R&D, and partnerships with leading organizations like NVIDIA, Mila, AITOMATIC, and Landing AI. These efforts are aligned with FPT's ambitious goal to reach 5 billion USD in IT services revenue from global markets by 2030 and solidify its status among the world's top billion-dollar IT companies.
After nearly two decades in Japan, FPT has become one of the largest foreign-invested technology firms in the country by human resource capacity. The company delivers services and solutions to over 450 clients globally, with over 3,500 employees across 17 local offices and innovation hubs in Japan, and nearly 15,000 professionals supporting this market worldwide.
With Japan as a strategic focus for the company’s global growth, FPT has been actively expanding its business and engaging in M&A deals, such as the joint venture with Konica Minolta, strategic investment in LTS Inc, and most recently, the acquisition of NAC—its first M&A deal in the market. As digital transformation, particularly legacy system modernization viewed as a key growth driver in the Japanese market, the company is committed to providing end-to-end solutions and seamless services, utilizing advanced AI technologies as a primary accelerator.
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