Cloudera Unveils New AI Assistant to Help Supercharge Efficiency for Data Practitioners
Cloudera Copilot for Cloudera AI accelerates productivity, enhances collaboration, and supports continuous learning to improve project outcomes for data scientists, engineers, and developers
SANTA CLARA, Calif. and PARIS, Nov. 14, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Cloudera, the only true hybrid platform for data, analytics, and AI, today announced at EVOLVE24 Paris, Cloudera Copilot for Cloudera AI, introducing secure and intelligent assistant capabilities that help to supercharge productivity and streamline data workflows. Built to meet the needs of data scientists, engineers, and developers, Cloudera Copilot improves reproducibility across projects, ultimately helping to enable enterprises to get trusted data, analytics, and AI applications into production faster than ever.
At the forefront of digital transformation and AI journeys, data practitioners face an increasingly complex web of productivity, collaboration, and duplication challenges. AI assistants overcome these challenges by enhancing the user experience for data practitioners, while providing IT leaders seeking secure AI-enhanced tools for peace of mind. By embedding an AI-powered assistant directly into Cloudera, Cloudera Copilot helps users write high-quality, consistent code and focus on innovation more effectively and securely.
Cloudera is one of the first data and analytics platform vendors to deliver an AI assistant specifically tailored for data practitioners, offering deep integration within data workflows in a secure, enterprise-grade platform that prioritizes compliance and governance. Cloudera Copilot operates within an AI ecosystem, delivering robust, AI-driven coding assistance while also providing on-demand support, reinforcing Cloudera’s position as a trusted data partner and the leader in secure, hybrid AI solutions.
Specifically, Cloudera Copilot:
- Automates code generation, data transformation, and troubleshooting, enabling data practitioners to focus on high-impact tasks and innovation.
- Provides consistent coding assistance, empowering teams to work more effectively across diverse languages, libraries, and workflows.
- Includes on-demand guidance, optimal solutions, and insights for users to maintain high coding standards, ultimately reducing errors and improving project outcomes.
“Data practitioners are the lifeblood of an enterprise and giving them AI-powered tools specifically designed to enhance their job performance offers benefits to a business as a whole,” said industry analyst, Sanjeev Mohan. “AI assistants like Cloudera Copilot expand the scope of employees who can access AI tools so an entire organization can capitalize fully on the benefits of AI. This unlocks greater visibility, efficiency, and productivity.”
“Cloudera is continuously modernizing our AI solutions to give our customers deeper access to data-driven insights at scale,” said Dipto Chakravarty, Chief Product Officer at Cloudera. “Today, Cloudera provides one of the fastest routes to achieving trusted AI initiatives, and Cloudera Copilot further accelerates enterprise’s ability to derive business value from their data via actionable insight.”
Visit our Cloudera blog to learn more about Cloudera Copilot for Cloudera AI.
About Cloudera
Cloudera is the only true hybrid platform for data, analytics, and AI. With 100x more data under management than other cloud-only vendors, Cloudera empowers global enterprises to transform data of all types, on any public or private cloud, into valuable, trusted insights. Our open data lakehouse delivers scalable and secure data management with portable cloud-native analytics, enabling customers to bring GenAI models to their data while maintaining privacy and ensuring responsible, reliable AI deployments. The world’s largest brands in financial services, insurance, media, manufacturing, and government rely on Cloudera to use their data to solve what was impossible—today and in the future.
To learn more, visit and follow us on LinkedIn and X. Cloudera and associated marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cloudera, Inc. All other company and product names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Jess Hohn-Cabana
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