Tomorrow.Blue Economy charted a course to boost the blue economy
BARCELONA, Spain, Nov. 14, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The course towards a future where the blue economy plays a critical role in the development of our society came closer after the third edition of Tomorrow.Blue Economy World Congress (TBEWC). Over 250 experts from around the world provided insights into how to develop the extraordinary potential of seas and oceans as powerhouses of the economy through innovation and sustainability at the event. Among the highlights were the Smart Ports: Piers of the Future forum, organized by the Port of Barcelona, and the conferences by the World Ocean Council (WOC) aimed at tackling the major challenges these strategic infrastructures face in cities and the pathways to reduce marine pollution, respectively.
TBEWC was held from November 5 to 7 at the Gran Via venue in Barcelona, organized by Fira de Barcelona in collaboration with the Barcelona City Council through Barcelona Activa; the Port of Barcelona; the WOC, the leading international business organization in the field of sustainable maritime economy; and Smart Ports: Piers of the Future, an initiative of the Port Authority of Barcelona.
The congress discussed the importance and potential of ocean resources as well as their preservation and featured over 250 national and international specialists and a conference program with more than 40 sessions.
Along these lines, on November 5 and 6, the sixth edition of Smart Ports: Piers of the Future took place, promoted by the Port of Barcelona, featuring authorities from around the world. More than 60 speakers made up the panels for these sessions, including Tino Klemm, CFO of the Hamburg Port Authority; José Alberto Carbonell, General Director of the Port of Barcelona; and Michael DiBernardo, Deputy Executive Director of Marketing and Customer Relations at the Port of Los Angeles.
Topics such as the use of drones in port activities, combating drug trafficking and organized crime, actions to minimize marine pollution from plastics, and the impact of artificial intelligence on port infrastructure management were discussed. The event was supported by an alliance of the ports of Antwerp-Bruges, Barcelona, Busan, Gothenburg, Hamburg, Los Angeles, Montreal, and Rotterdam, and aims to promoting the digital and sustainable transformation of ports.
Additionally, Tomorrow.Blue Economy World Congress hosted the Sustainable Ocean Summit (November 5-6) and the Global Blue Finance Summit (November 7), both forums organized by the WOC to foster business collaboration and develop innovative financial solutions to facilitate the growth of the blue economy.
Tomorrow.Blue Economy World Congress, Tomorrow.Mobility World Congress, and Tomorrow.Building World Congress were held alongside the Smart City Expo World Congress 2024, the largest global event on cities and urban innovation, which this year hosted more than 1,100 exhibitors and representatives from 850 cities and 140 countries. After three days, the events gathered over 25,771 attendees from more than 130 countries at Fira de Barcelona’s Gran Via venue.
For media requests please contact:
Salvador Bilurbina
phone: +34628162674
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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