BYD emphasizes strong partner collaboration in the energy storage market during partner conference
SHENZHEN, China, Nov. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BYD Co. Ltd., expands the partner program for BYD Energy Storage solutions. As part of the program, BYD held a partner conference at the BYD headquarters in November 2024, in which partners had the opportunity to voice their experiences, have an exchange with the technical team and receive an exclusive preview on upcoming new products and features.
“BYD has been investing continuously into R&D as well as the production facilities to make sure energy storage solutions are not only at the forefront of the innovation curve but also produced with the highest safety standards and in a cost-efficient way,” said Yin Xiaoqiang, GM of BYD Energy Storage. “Another important factor in our product development is active dialogue with our partners and customers. Therefore, regular meetings with partners from the distribution and installation sector, are part of our partner program. We take their feedback and insights seriously and advance our solutions to help them address current and future demands in the efficient use and storage of renewable energy.”
A key goal of BYD for the conference was to gain insights into current market challenges the partners are facing and how the energy storage solutions can help them address those:
- Many wholesalers and installers reported that they are currently facing hesitations on the customer side to invest into PV and related technology as the market is experiencing a low.
- However, they confirmed that solutions such as the BatteryBox series have helped them to win customers as PV and energy storage become more and more inseparable.
- Especially in light of trends such as bidirectional charging and dynamic electricity pricing, the high charging power of the BYD BatteryBox systems is very advantageous.
The conference also offered an exclusive preview on upcoming products and new features to the energy storage portfolio. In addition to the user conference and a visit of BYD’s headquarters, partners had the opportunity to take a look behind the scenes of one of the most advanced BYD production facilities. The industrial park in Nanning specializes in the research and development and manufacturing of energy storage cells and energy storage systems since May 2023 – from raw materials to finished products and includes a 55GWh production base for energy storage cells and systems.
Media contact: Qifen ZHONG,
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