NESIC chooses Cloudbrink SASE to power managed service
Global system integrator won over by simplicity, security and speed of the Cloudbrink service
SUNNYVALE, Calif., Nov. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Cloudbrink has won a major endorsement from Japanese system integrator NEC Networks & System Integration Corporation (NESIC), which is to use Cloudbrink’s personal SASE service as the foundation of its Virtual Trusted Overlay Network.
Virtual Trusted Overlay Network is a new network concept that enables a secure and high-speed co-creation network environment using Cloudbrink’s ultra-low-latency global edge mesh. NESIC is also integrating other services including end-point security and identity management, enabling accelerated connectivity and security to be brought together in a fully managed service.
NESIC chose Cloudbrink’s technology for its performance, integrated security and ease of deployment and management, and for its willingness to collaborate on the development of the NESIC service.
Osamu Kikuchi, Senior Vice President of NEC Networks & System Integration Corporation said: “Our partnership with Cloudbrink began over a year ago, and we have successfully introduced their award-winning service to businesses in the Japanese market. With this new game-changing service, we look forward to disrupting the traditional enterprise networking and security architecture to deliver enhanced security, simplicity and speed to our global customers and partners.”
Key to the Virtual Trusted Overlay Network is the ability to deliver ultra-high performance secure network access. Independent testing has verified Cloudbrink’s claim to accelerate applications by a factor of 30x for mobile and remote users on consumer-grade broadband and wireless connections, without the additional costs and operational headaches of installing additional hardware.
Routing and advanced security functions are provided by a global network of virtual PoPs called FAST edges, which use AI to locate the closest access point – typically less than 10ms away.
Prakash Mana, CEO of Cloudbrink, said: “We feel honored to play a significant role in the Virtual Trusted Overlay Network initiative. NEC has been an outstanding partner and we share the same vision of making SASE work for everyone – less to manage for the network and security teams, a better experience for end users, and better value for the enterprise.”
NESIC, a subsidiary of Japan’s leading provider of cloud computing and network services NEC Corporation, signed as a reseller of the Cloudbrink service in early 2023, later becoming a design partner to develop the Virtual Trusted Overlay Network.
About Cloudbrink
Cloudbrink delivers a secure, high-performance cloud networking service that significantly enhances productivity for the work-from-anywhere generation, offering up to a 30-fold increase in network performance. By harnessing AI and ML, Cloudbrink streamlines management and support while providing edge-native zero-trust access for users and devices. This ensures seamless connectivity to multi-cloud, SaaS, and data center applications, offering users an exceptional experience. Meanwhile, IT administrators enjoy simplified operations, reduced complexity and fewer support calls. Find out more at
About NEC Networks & System Integration Corporation
NEC Networks & System Integration Corp (NESIC) is a provider of system integration solutions and related support services to enterprises, telecommunications carriers, and government. The company also offers support and security services ranging from firewalls, unauthorized access detection, authentication systems, operation and maintenance, spam blocking, log management and physical security. NESIC is headquartered in Bunkyo-Ku, Tokyo, Japan.
PR contact
Christopher Fucanan
AquaLab Public Relations for Cloudbrink
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