Bitdeer AI Named Top 100 Software Companies of 2024 by The Software Report
SINGAPORE, Nov. 21, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Bitdeer AI, part of Bitdeer Technologies Group (NASDAQ: BTDR), an emerging AI cloud service provider, is proud to announce its inclusion in the Top 100 Software Companies of 2024, ranked 8 in the Cloud Management by The Software Report.
The Software Report’s Top 100 Software Companies award is a prestigious recognition of excellence in the software industry, grounded in a rigorous evaluation of product functionality, customer satisfaction, corporate reputation, innovation, and organizational strength. The selection process combines customer feedback with in-depth research, drawing insights from reputable platforms like Glassdoor, G2, and Capterra, and considers ESG initiatives, long-term viability, and industry impact. Bitdeer AI is recognized alongside other industry leaders, underscoring its commitment to scalable, serverless AI cloud solutions that drive innovation and deliver lasting value to clients.
“We are honored to be recognized by The Software Report as one of the Top 100 Software Companies. This award highlights our dedication to delivering scalable, serverless AI cloud solutions that drive innovation and empower our clients to achieve exceptional results,” says Louis Xu, Head of Bitdeer AI. “Moving forward, Bitdeer AI embraces this recognition as both an accolade and a responsibility, reaffirming our commitment to advancing our offerings and contributing to the growth of the AI cloud service sector.”
Bitdeer AI is advancing the field of AI and machine learning by providing a streamlined, scalable platform designed to simplify development workflows and accelerate innovation. Leveraging high-performance, industry-leading GPU infrastructure, Bitdeer AI's newly launched AI training platform delivers an optimized environment for efficient AI training. With seamless integration, enhanced cross-team collaboration, and flexible pricing options, the platform makes advanced AI technologies accessible to businesses of all sizes, supporting them in driving innovation and growth across industries. Bitdeer AI recognizes AI as a critical component of global business growth and a key driver of future opportunities for SMEs, with GPUs playing an essential role in achieving success. With high-performance GPUs connected across the U.S., Canada, Amsterdam, Iceland, Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia, Bitdeer AI empowers businesses worldwide to accelerate AI and ML breakthroughs with speed and efficiency.
About Bitdeer AI
Bitdeer AI is an emerging provider of AI and ML GPU cloud solutions, dedicated to accelerating innovation and empowering businesses with advanced computing resources and an AI training platform. As an NVIDIA Cloud Partner in Singapore, Bitdeer AI delivers high-performance GPU cloud infrastructure, enabling organizations across industries to advance impactful AI initiatives and drive meaningful goals. For more information, please visit
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release may contain forward-looking statements regarding Bitdeer AI’s anticipated future performance, market opportunities, and business strategies. These statements are based on current beliefs, assumptions, and expectations, and are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially. Bitdeer AI disclaims any obligation to update or revise these forward-looking statements to reflect future events or developments, except as required by law.
Retainna Lin
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