FPT Announced a Partner Ecosystem with Global Tech Giants, Promoting AI Factory Development and Oper
Global leading IT firm FPT has announced a partner ecosystem of global pioneer technology organizations, including NVIDIA, SCSK, ASUS, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, VAST Data, and DDN Storage. This cooperative endeavor is to expedite AI factory development and operations in Vietnam and Japan.
This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20241120048980/en/
This partner ecosystem commits to combining expertise, resources, and networks to unlock FPT AI Factory’s potential as a powerhouse for ever-growing AI innovation while reinforcing sovereign AI in Vietnam and Japan. To this end, the collaboration focuses on four key objectives: 1) Promoting the development and operations of AI Factories in Vietnam and Japan, following global standards; 2) Diversifying a portfolio of AI products and services; 3) Enriching human technical capabilities; and 4) Guarding data security and autonomy.
FPT also revealed the launch of FPT AI Factory in Vietnam and Japan, enabling businesses of all sizes to expedite AI innovation with priority access to premium solutions and features through an exclusive pre-order.
FPT AI Factory offers an all-inclusive stack for end-to-end AI development that leverages thousands of NVIDIA H200 and H100 Tensor Core GPUs with the NVIDIA AI Enterprise software platform, which includes NVIDIA NeMo. FPT AI Factory grants organizations, researchers, and innovators scalable GPU supercomputing to cultivate sophisticated AI solutions with faster time-to-market while safeguarding sensitive information and maintaining sovereignty. This suite also authorizes clientele to manage resources and processes expeditiously for large-scale AI and machine learning workloads, achieving up to 45% better total cost of ownership.
This flagship stack consists of four main product groups:
FPT AI Infrastructure offers enterprise accelerated computing cloud services with the latest technology, top performance, flexibility, and scalability to accelerate model development. Enterprises can enjoy first-rate infrastructure performance at a massive scale for most compute-intensive AI tasks. A unified management system with built-in security allows complete control over the AI computing environment and data throughout the development process.
FPT AI Studio is a trusted and inclusive platform that streamlines the AI creation process in a fast and safe manner. It provides a comprehensive set of smart tools to effortlessly explore, develop, evaluate, and deploy custom models enriched and differentiated with corporations’ large-scale data. That benefits businesses in creating cutting-edge AI applications from scratch without requiring deep expertise, securely simplifying operations, and improving AI efficiency.
FPT AI Inference is a robust platform that augments AI capabilities with a broad collection of high-performing models for immediate use. Businesses can leverage numerous foundational and FPT-developed models to rapidly fine-tune and deploy models tailored to industry requirements. They can also scale these models in terms of size and number of usages for unique applications hosted on NVIDIA-Certified Systems.
FPT AI Agents is a state-of-the-art platform to create and operate multi-lingual AI Agents fueled by the business knowledge base and custom models for specific tasks in customer service, corporate training, internal operations, etc. Developed on the powerful FPT AI Factory infrastructure with advanced generative AI cores, FPT AI Agents will enable businesses to unlock unprecedented productivity, take service quality to new heights, transform the workforce, and achieve borderless innovation.
FPT AI Factory is integrated with 20+ ready-to-use AI products, built upon Generative AI, for rapid AI adoption and instant results in elevating customer experience, achieving operational excellence, transforming the human workforce, and optimizing operating expenses.
FPT is now accepting exclusive advance orders for FPT AI Factory, letting corporate clients utilize the diverse product and service offerings of AI and cloud, earn cloud credit, and gain early access to premium features. Combined with customized consultation from seasoned AI and Cloud experts, enterprises in any industry can reinforce successful AI journeys with practical, high-value solutions.
Since its $200-million investment plan announced in April 2024, FPT has been working closely with NVIDIA to mobilize resources and dedicate to creating groundbreaking products, aiming to ignite profound changes, including customer service and workforce development. With the launch of FPT AI Factory, FPT is completing an end-to-end ecosystem comprising superior infrastructure, intelligent platforms, beneficial applications, and professional services, all designed to meet the dynamic demands of AI evolution.
Dr. Truong Gia Binh, Chairman and Founder of FPT Corporation: “AI factories are emerging as an essential foundation for the human and AI agent economy, representing a new transformative force in the digital landscape. Through the collaborative efforts to establish the omnipotent FPT AI Factory, we empower organizations, researchers, developers, and adopters to seize the full potential of AI, forming thousands of intelligent agents enriched and differentiated by the data, knowledge, and culture of every business and nation. Step by step, we redefine and perfect production relations between AI and humans, enhancing the competitiveness of every economy while promoting international integration.”
Mr. Dennis Ang, Senior Director, Enterprise Business of ASEAN and ANZ Region, NVIDIA:
“AI is reshaping nations and industries. Leveraging the full-stack NVIDIA AI platform, FPT is set to more efficiently scale its AI factory to support enterprises throughout the region.”
Mr. Masaki Komine, Managing Executive Officer, General Manager, Products & Services Business Group, SCSK Corporation: “We believe that we share the goal of fundamentally changing the digital environment with FPT. We value the spirit of co-creation and hope to build a long-term cooperative relationship with a passionate partner like FPT. Furthermore, we would like to utilize our cutting-edge AI infrastructure technology and knowledge gained from many years of system operation to tackle the challenges faced by customers and societies around the world, including Japan and Vietnam.”
Mr. Jason Chung, Regional Director of East Asia and Indochina, ASUS: ‘’ASUS is one of the main partners of the NVIDIA Cloud Partner Program. With our experience in large-scale AI server deployment and operations, ASUS is excited to partner with FPT and NVIDIA in this pioneering venture. Together, we're empowering businesses in Vietnam and Japan to harness the power of AI. By fostering innovation and collaboration, we’re building an ecosystem that will ensure that no business is left behind in the AI era.”
Mr. Narinder Kapoor, Senior Vice President and Managing Director of APAC, Hewlett Packard Enterprise: “The era of AI has brought with it limitless possibility. HPE is committed to staying at the forefront of innovation to help customers embrace this new era. This launch marks a significant milestone in our collaboration with FPT and NVIDIA to enable enterprises in Vietnam, Japan and across Asia Pacific to harness the full potential of AI. We expect this initiative to accelerate AI adoption and bolster data sovereignty and security, which are critical for our customers in this digital age. We are excited to support this transformative journey and look forward to being part of this initiative supporting Vietnam as it transforms into a hub of AI innovation.”
Mr. Sunil Chavan, Vice President of Asia-Pacific, VAST Data: “We’re thrilled to support FPT AI Factory’s launch, which will help redefine how enterprises in Vietnam and Japan harness the power of AI. Today's enterprises are looking at how AI can help them extract real business value. To realize these benefits, they need scalable, reliable solutions that deliver clear returns on their capital investments. With VAST Data’s robust infrastructure, we’re helping companies build flexible, compliant AI ecosystems that integrate seamlessly with existing environments and support a wide range of AI initiatives. This partnership allows businesses to make strategic, data-driven decisions with the confidence that they have a solution tailored to their complex needs.”
Mr. Robert Triendl, SVP International and General Manager, DDN Storage: “We congratulate FPT on the launch of “FPT AI Factory”, and we are very excited to have been selected as the performance data solution for this innovative GPU cloud service. DDN’s AI solutions combine superior performance with minimal data center footprint to support the most scalable AI workloads today. We look forward to collaborating closely with FPT to build powerful new services for next-generation AI workloads, and we wish FPT great success in Vietnam, Japan, and the global market.”
About FPT Corporation
FPT Corporation (FPT) is a global leading technology and IT services provider headquartered in Vietnam. FPT operates in three core sectors: Technology, Telecommunications, and Education. As AI is indeed a key focus, FPT has been integrating AI across its products and solutions to drive innovation and enhance user experiences within its Made by FPT ecosystem. FPT is actively working on expanding its capabilities in AI through investments in human resources, R&D, and partnerships with leading organizations like NVIDIA, Mila, AITOMATIC, and Landing AI. These efforts are aligned with FPT's ambitious goal to solidify its status among the world's top billion-dollar IT companies. For more information, please visit https://fpt.com/en.
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