12th Monaco Energy Boat Challenge: a turning point for maritime innovation
MONACO, Nov. 21, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Since its launch in 2014, the Monaco Energy Boat Challenge has been demonstrating the effectiveness of propulsion and hull design-driven innovation. After a record participation in 2024 involving 40 universities, over 700 students from 25 countries, of which 450 were on site, the event is taking a new turn. Changes have been made while maintaining its mentoring program and Job Forum that forge bridges with the industry as they create a unique link between talented young people and professionals. “The goal is to continue promoting technological advances to build the future of recreational boating,” explains Bernard d’Alessandri, General Secretary of Yacht Club de Monaco and a driving force behind the meeting. Supported by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, UBS, BMW and SBM Offshore, the event attracts support from major players including Monaco Marine, Oceanco, Ferretti Group, Azimut | Benetti Group, Sanlorenzo and Lürssen. For students, it is a long-term project as they work all year round to a rigorous schedule to meet the criteria:
- Registration opens: 16 September 2024
- Applications confirmation (Energy, AI, SeaLab): 10 February 2025
- Registration closes for Open Sea category: 15 May 2025
Energy Class: a zero-emission prototype laboratory
Launched to test zero-emission prototypes, the Energy Class is set to expand over the next few years, as the organisers now encourage a broader range of technologies to be integrated into the design, such as hydrogen, kinetic energy storage, wind turbines and pressurised air solutions. Launched in 2018 by YCM which supplies each team with the same catamaran hull design, the Energy Class stimulates ingenuity and creativity.
Goodbye to the Solar Class – but not solar energy
Contestants from this category are required to turn to more diversified solutions to progress their solar projects. They are invited to register for the Energy Class or SeaLab Class or to adapt their prototypes to compete in the new AI Class from 2025.
SeaLab Class: a showcase for state-of-the-art technology
Now the event’s flagship category, the SeaLab Class is open to boats up to 12m in length to showcase maritime innovations, with the only restrictions being safety-related. Green methanol can be used provided there are carbon capture systems on board. This approach will help promote development of the most advanced systems in terms of the yachting sector’s sustainability in the long-term.
AI Class: focus on autonomy
The AI Class makes its debut in 2025 allowing autonomous boats to compete in a specific category. Open to prototypes meeting the competition’s technical criteria, it’s also a great opportunity for former Solar Class participants to take their boats to another level. The category represents a significant step forward in the integration of artificial intelligence into the maritime domain. A pilot will still be present on board but only intervening if there is a technical problem.
Creativity in the spotlight
For the second year, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation is supporting innovation with the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation Sustainable Yachting Technology Award worth €25,000. Launched in 2024, it rewards the best technological solution in terms of energy efficiency and/or reduction of carbon emissions. Last year, the winner was Physis Synergy (Politecnico di Milano) for their progress on novel approach based fuel cells development. In preparation for 2025, a webinar on startups was held to guide contestants who want to put their team forward for the prize on the direction to take with their projects.
A future focused on innovation and sustainability
The 12th Monaco Energy Boat Challenge is confirming its place as an event not to be missed by anyone who is passionate about marine technologies as well as stakeholders in sustainable innovation. By incorporating ever-more innovative energy solutions and focusing on international collaboration, the Monaco Energy Boat Challenge is playing its role in shaping a cleaner, more efficient and less impactful future for yachting
For more information:
Press Office LaPresse - ufficio.stampa@lapresse.it
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