Heilind Asia Pacific Awarded 2024 “Best Strategic Account Development” by TE Connectivity
SINGAPORE, Nov. 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Heilind Asia Pacific is excited to share that it has received the 2024 Best Strategic Account Development Award from TE Connectivity, in recognition of the company's outstanding performance in driving business growth and strengthening strategic customer relationships. This award reflects our commitment to providing tailored solutions and exceptional value to key customers across the Asia Pacific region.

"We’re honored to receive this recognition from TE Connectivity," said Steven Wong, Business Development Manager at Heilind Asia Pacific. "This recognition is a testament to Heilind Asia Pacific’s commitment to delivering customized solutions that drive long-term business growth and mutual success. Over 100% growth in strategic accounts highlights our continued focus on customers’ success and the strength of our partnership with TE Connectivity."
Heilind Asia Pacific’s approach to strategic account development emphasizes deep customer relationships, proactive problem-solving, and delivering measurable results that support business growth and meet the dynamic needs of the electronics sector. TE Connectivity’s advanced connectivity products, combined with Heilind’s customer-focused service are key to fostering long-term growth and mutual success.
About Heilind
Founded in 1974, Heilind Electronics, Inc. (www.heilind.com/www.heilindasia.com) is one of the world's leading authorized distributors of connectors, relays, switches, thermal management & circuit protection products, terminal blocks, wire & cable, wiring accessories, insulation and sensor, hardware & fastener products. Heilind has locations throughout the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taipei and Mainland China.
Heilind Asia Pacific (www.heilindasia.com) commenced operations in Dec 2012. Besides being headquartered in Hong Kong, where it also has a distribution center and a value-added center, Heilind Asia now has 23 locations & 5 warehouses throughout Asia. Our industry-leading service offering to customers in the Asia Pacific is the result of a commitment to the belief of "Distribution As It Should Be". Learn more on LinkedIn, WeChat, Instagram and X (formerly Twitter).
About TE Connectivity
TE Connectivity plc (NYSE: TEL) is a global industrial technology leader creating a safer, sustainable, productive, and connected future. Our broad range of connectivity and sensor solutions enable the distribution of power, signal and data to advance next-generation transportation, renewable energy, automated factories, data centers, medical technology and more. With more than 85,000 employees, including 8,000 engineers, working alongside customers in approximately 140 countries, TE ensures that EVERY CONNECTION COUNTS. Learn more at www.te.com and on LinkedIn, Facebook, WeChat, Instagram and X (formerly Twitter).
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/8774a274-5cc7-4d55-8c5f-cb2a079c0eaa
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