Vital Voices Kicks Off Women’s History Month with an Interactive Art Exhibit at the United Nations a
Media are invited to capture stories of change and inspiration
NEW YORK, March 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In celebration of Women’s History Month, Vital Voices Global Partnership, an organization dedicated to empowering women leaders worldwide, announces two initiatives aimed at honoring and inspiring women across the globe.
March 1 - 22 – Vital Voices and UN Partnerships Art Exhibit at United Nations Headquarters
With support from the UN Office of Partnerships, the Portraits of Progress: Women Powering the Global Goals exhibit underscores the need to invest more deeply in women change makers who are key to solving the world’s greatest challenges. This interactive storytelling exhibition inside the U.N. Visitor’s Gallery is on display through March 22. It features portraits and first-person recordings of women leaders from around the world who are driving creative solutions that collectively advance 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Each woman profiled in the exhibit is tackling one of the 17 Global Goals. Alongside each portrait, visitors can scan a QR code to listen to a message from the featured leader, who shares more about how she is addressing her particular Goal.
“Our aim with this project is to spotlight the critical role of women leaders worldwide in achieving global progress through the SDGs,” said Vital Voices President & CEO Alyse Nelson. “Because women and girls are disproportionately impacted by pressing issues such as climate change, conflict, and inequality, their perspective and ideas are invaluable. Women leaders consistently bring forward unique and inclusive solutions that benefit entire communities, countries, and our shared planet. As world leaders consider how to close current gaps in targets for the Global Goals, we believe that greater investments in women’s proven, innovative solutions will be pivotal to progress.”
The women featured in the portraits are:
- Goal 1 – No Poverty: Zeinorin Angkang, founder at Hill Wild
- Goal 2 – Zero Hunger: Nora Jeanne Joseph, founder & CEO at RADIKAL
- Goal 3 – Good Health & Well-Being: Dr. Yetunde Ayo-Oyalowo, public health physician and founder at Market Doctors
- Goal 4 – Quality Education: Zoya Lytvyn, founder of Novopecherska School and Osvitoria NGO
- Goal 5 – Gender Equality: Hellen Lunkuse, founder & executive director of Rape Hurts Foundation
- Goal 6 – Clean Water & Sanitation: Christelle Kwizera, founder and managing director of Water Access Rwanda
- Goal 7 – Affordable & Clean Energy: Inna Braverman, co-founder and CEO at Eco Wave Power
- Goal 8 – Decent Work & Economic Growth: Aline Sara, co-founder & CEO at NaTakallam
- Goal 9 – Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure: Sarah El Battouty, founder of ECOnsult
- Goal 10 – Reduce Inequalities: Sara Minkara, Special Advisor on International Disability Rights at the U.S. Department of State
- Goal 11 – Sustainable Cities & Communities: Michelle Hong, co-founder & COO at Rooftop Republic Urban Farming
- Goal 12 – Responsible Production & Consumption: Leah Lizarondo, founder of Food rescue Hero and co-founder of 412 Food Rescue
- Goal 13 – Climate Action: Helena Gualinga, environmental and human rights activist from the Kichwa Sarayaku community
- Goal 14 – Life Below Water: Lakshmi Menon, Head of Impact at CleanHub
- Goal 15 – Life on Land: Petronella Chigumbura, ranger and assistant instructor sergeant at Akashinga
- Goal 16 – Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions: Shirin Musa, founder & director at Femmes for Freedom
- Goal 17 – Partnerships for the Goals: Group Portrait
Nearly a dozen of the women featured were present for the unveiling. The artwork was created by three women artists: Gayle Kabaker, Stef Wong, and Erin K. Robinson. (Click here to view and download photos from the opening featuring global women leaders featured in the portraits.)
Saturday, March 2 – Vital Voices Global Mentoring Walks in NYC with DVF
Join influential women leaders at the High Line in New York City for the 17th Global Vital Voices Global Mentoring Walks. Led by luminaries such as DVF Founder & Co-Chairwoman Diane von Furstenberg, along with Vital Voices Co-Founder, President & CEO Alyse Nelson, this event brings together established and emerging women leaders from various fields for a one-mile walk. Participants will engage in insightful discussions on career growth, work-life balance, career transitions, and conflict resolution – all in the spirit of global community and mentorship.
More than 200 women from New York City will join the walk as mentors and mentees under this year’s theme of “Inspire Inclusion,” recognizing that impact stems from inclusion. This event serves as a prelude to International Women’s Day on March 8, fostering mentorship and camaraderie among women leaders.
Simultaneously, thousands of women across hundreds of cities worldwide will participate in mentoring walks, advocating for equality, and celebrating the power of mentorship. With over 135 walks planned in 43 countries for the 2024 Vital Voices Global Mentoring Walks leading up to International Women’s Day, this event marks a global movement toward gender parity and empowerment.
To learn more about this event and Global Mentoring Walks happening all around the world, click here.
For media inquiries or further information about these events, please contact:
About Vital Voices Global Partnership
Vital Voices Global Partnership was cofounded in 1997 by Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton and the late Secretary Madeleine Albright. Now celebrating 26 years, Vital Voices has directly invested in more than 20,000 women leaders across 185 countries and territories since its inception. Driven by the universal truth that women are the key to progress in their communities and nations cannot move forward without women in leadership positions, Vital Voices has provided early support for leaders who went on to become Nobel Peace Prize Laureates, U.S. Youth Poet Laureates, prime ministers, award-winning innovators, pioneering human rights defenders, and breakthrough social entrepreneurs, including Amanda Gorman and Malala Yousafzai. To advance and expand this work, in 2022 Vital Voices opened the doors to the world’s first global embassy for women, the Vital Voices Global Headquarters for Women’s Leadership. It is a first-of-its-kind space that allows for convening, innovation, planning, and action—all in the pursuit of serving women leaders who are taking on the world’s greatest challenges.
Vital Voices Global Partnership
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