Sportradar Launches Gen AI Audio Advertising for Sportsbook and Casino Operators
ST. GALLEN, Switzerland, Nov. 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Sportradar (NASDAQ: SRAD) today announced the launch of generative AI (gen AI) audio, a new feature within its ad:s multi-channel marketing service. The tool leverages the power of gen AI integrated with Sportradar's live data, to automate the creation of personalized, real-time audio adverts for sportsbook and casino operators across one of the fastest growing digital marketing channels globally.
Ad:s gen AI audio provides operators with a ready-to-use audio marketing solution, allowing them to generate creative content during key sporting and gaming moments to efficiently scale advertising efforts into podcast streaming services and internet radio networks. Sportradar's industry-leading technology automatically creates customised and dynamic adverts – featuring live-data to update odds, jackpots, and upcoming events— to increase brand awareness, uplift purchase intent and increase the likelihood of customer acquisition.
AI-generated audio adverts are the latest addition to Sportradar's comprehensive, industry-leading, end-to-end marketing services, driving brand awareness, acquisition and retention across channels including programmatic display, video, audio, digital-out-of-home (DOOH), paid social media, paid search, sponsorships and affiliate marketing.
Niki Beier, SVP Marketing Services, said: “Sports fans and bettors are increasingly consuming audio content, with listenership increasing by over 1000% in the past seven years1. To deliver maximum marketing efficiency, we're providing a sophisticated yet simple-to-use solution to sportsbook and casino operators. Through our gen AI technology, we're making it easy for clients to integrate audio adverts into their acquisition and branding campaigns, to reach more customers with real-time relevant audio messages, without the need for creative teams or a high production budget.”
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About Sportradar
Sportradar Group AG (NASDAQ: SRAD), founded in 2001, is a leading global sports technology company creating immersive experiences for sports fans and bettors. Positioned at the intersection of the sports, media and betting industries, the company provides sports federations, news media, consumer platforms and sports betting operators with a best-in-class range of solutions to help grow their business. As the trusted partner of organizations like the ATP, NBA, NHL, MLB, NASCAR, UEFA, FIFA and Bundesliga, Sportradar covers close to a million events annually across all major sports. With deep industry relationships and expertise, Sportradar is not just redefining the sports fan experience, it also safeguards sports through its Integrity Services division and advocacy for an integrity-driven environment for all involved.
For more information about Sportradar, please visit
Sandra Lee
Investor Relations:
Jim Bombassei
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