CGS Elevates John Samuel to Chief Operating Officer to Further Enhance Client Service and Drive Oper
NEW YORK, Nov. 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Computer Generated Solutions, Inc. (CGS), a global provider of software applications, enterprise learning, customer experience and business process outsourcing services, today announced that John Samuel has been promoted to Chief Operating Officer (COO). The appointment reflects CGS's continuing commitment to operational excellence within the company -- and in service to its blue-chip clients. Clients trust CGS to design, implement, and optimize core business functions, like learning and development, supply chain management, and customer service, allowing them to outpace their competition with greater focus on their own core competencies.
"John's appointment to COO will mark an inflection point in CGS's forty-one-year history," said Phil Friedman, CGS founder and CEO. "CGS was founded as a technology company and innovation has been core to our success over the years. Our clients trust us to deliver the right combinations of technology, people, and processes to drive their growth. John has a sure footing across all three vectors and is the perfect leader to take our business to new heights. I am particularly excited by John's vision for integrating AI into our products, services, and operations.”
Since joining CGS in 2016, Samuel has served in various strategic leadership roles, most recently as Executive Vice President, where he spearheaded the company's digital transformation initiatives. As COO, he will now also oversee global operations. His focus will be driving productivity, operational efficiency, and the integration of advanced technologies to further enhance CGS's client services. Under John's leadership, CGS plans to expand its global footprint and implement innovative AI solutions to improve workflows and decision-making processes. These advancements will deliver enhanced efficiency and optimized results, ensuring CGS continues to meet the rapidly evolving needs of its clients.
“As CGS continues to grow and expand globally, I look forward to working closely with our CEO, Phil Friedman, and our exceptional executive team, to execute our vision for driving innovation, enhancing operational excellence, and delivering greater value to our clients and partners,” said Samuel. “This new chapter represents an incredible opportunity to further align our resources and talent with our strategic priorities, pushing boundaries on productivity and efficiency across all areas of the business. I'm honored to play a role in shaping CGS's future!”
About CGS
For more than 40 years, CGS has enabled global enterprises, regional companies, and government agencies to drive breakthrough performance through business applications, enterprise learning and outsourcing services. CGS is wholly focused on creating comprehensive solutions that meet clients' complex, multi-dimensional needs, and support clients' most fundamental business activities. Headquartered in New York City, CGS has offices across North America, South America, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. For more information, please visit and follow us on LinkedIn.
Media Contact
Alan Marcus
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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