Philips and icometrix advance precision diagnosis in neurology with innovative AI-based imaging solu
November 25, 2024
icometrix'FDA-cleared quantitative brain solution for neurological conditions including Alzheimer's and multiple sclerosis is seamlessly integrated into Philips next generation BlueSeal MR scanners, and will be deployed in its comprehensive informatics platform
Amsterdam, the Netherlands and Leuven, Belgium – Royal Philips (NYSE: PHG, AEX: PHIA), a global leader in health technology, and computer-aided diagnostics company icometrix (Leuven, Belgium) have teamed up to deploy an AI-driven, end-to-end solution for acquiring, reading, and reporting the results of MRI brain scans to optimize diagnosis and treatment monitoring of neurological conditions including Alzheimer's and multiple sclerosis (MS). Unveiled at RSNA 2024, icometrix's unique AI-powered quantitative reporting software is seamlessly integrated into Philips'latest BlueSeal MR scanners through Philips'new Smart Reading capability [1], providing consistent and more accurate diagnosis. The software will also be deployed on Philips'healthcare informatics platform – including Philips cloud-based AI Manager.
The introduction of new drugs that slow the progression of Alzheimer's emphasizes the critical role of MRI in patient management. By leveraging advanced MRI techniques, neurologists can identify the most suitable candidates for these therapies, ensuring timely and personalized treatment. AI's ability to extract quantitative measurements from brain scans enhances the diagnostic process, enabling quicker decision making and improved monitoring of disease progression. This integration of technology increases efficiency for healthcare providers and leads to more tailored treatment.
“Philips is at the forefront of applying AI to help save time and improve diagnostic accuracy so clinicians can deliver better care to more patients,” said Shez Partovi, Chief Innovation & Strategy Officer at Philips. “As these innovations continue to evolve, they hold great promise for transforming the landscape of neurological care, offering hope for better management of chronic conditions like Alzheimer's and MS. Our partnership with icometrix is an important step forward in the use of AI to help mitigate staff shortages, lower the cost of care, increase diagnostic confidence, and facilitate care orchestration of personalized plans for the growing number of people who are diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease."
“Our icobrain imaging AI measures are rapidly becoming the standard of care for diagnosis and monitoring of neurological conditions,” said Wim Van Hecke, CEO of icometrix. “MRI quantification is crucial to unlock precision medicine, especially in the Alzheimer's disease care pathway, which is why our partnership with Philips is so well timed. We have developed the leading AI solutions for brain MRI monitoring, received CPT III code reimbursement in the US, and we will be able to support radiologists, neurologists, and people with neurological conditions at scale through this collaboration.”
Managing the growing volume of Alzheimer's imaging results
Alzheimer's is the most common form of dementia, accounting for 60% to 70% of the 55 million dementia cases worldwide [2], with more than 150 million people likely to be living with dementia, predominantly Alzheimer's, by 2050 [3]. With the introduction of monoclonal antibody drugs that break down the amyloid protein deposits in the brain that are believed to be the cause of Alzheimer's, MRI is now crucial as a part of the diagnostics process as well as to assess treatment effectiveness and help avoid adverse side effects. The latest guidelines for using these drugs involve a minimum of four separate MRI scans during the first year of treatment. High caseloads and the global shortage of neuroradiologists – coupled with the time-consuming nature of manual image reading and difficulty in extracting consistent quantitative measurements – is already putting a severe burden on radiology departments.
In addition to icometrix's icobrain dm software for differential dementia diagnosis, the solution also includes the company's icobrain ARIA software [4]. The only FDA-cleared solution that is classified as computer-aided detection and diagnosis, Icobrain ARIA can detect and grade the severity of amyloid-related imaging abnormalities. Icobrain ARIA quantifies, in a fully automated way, the extent of a potentially fatal side effect of anti-amyloid drugs known as amyloid-related imaging abnormalities (ARIA) – typically fluid buildup in the brain or blood leakage into brain tissue. Monitoring ARIA over the course of therapy allows neurologists to adjust a patient's therapy to minimize these side effects.
Philips'latest BlueSeal MR scanners are delivered with standardized AI-based SmartExam planning and AI-accelerated SmartSpeed protocols to image ARIA quickly and easily. Philips unique Smart Reading software [4] also allows end-to-end seamless integration of imaging protocols with the icometrix icobrain ARIA software to deliver fast, fully automated, quantitative outcomes for Alzheimer's patients. Integrated into Philips'healthcare informatics platform, these breakthrough AI-driven diagnostic and therapy monitoring capabilities fit seamlessly into radiology MR workflows and hospital PACS.
Speeding the differential diagnosis of multiple sclerosis
To ensure more confident diagnosis of MS, new clinical guidelines have been introduced that include a special MR imaging protocol and FLAIR* generation in Philips Advanced Visualization Workspace to simultaneously create high-quality images of white matter lesions and veins. Philips is currently the only commercial supplier of MR scanners that can perform FLAIR* imaging. icometrix icobrain ms, also seamlessly integrates on the Philips MR scanner and Philips AI Manager. It counts the number of white-matter lesions forming around veins – a characteristic highly specific to MS and it also allows for longitudinal and quantitative comparison of follow-up MRI exams, which are essential for treatment decision-making.
Philips'latest neuroimaging solutions and icometrix's software solutions for Alzheimer's and MS will be available on the Philips BlueSeal 1.5T MR scanners and Philips'3.0T MR portfolio. The solutions will be demonstrated in the Philips booth (6730) and the icometrix booth (4903) at the Radiological Society of North America Annual Meeting (RSNA 2024, December 1-4, Chicago, USA). For more information, visit Philips at RSNA 2024.
[1] BlueSeal XE/SE and Smart Reading is not yet CE marked, not cleared in all countries, and not yet available for delivery in any country. Please consult your Philips contact person for further information.
[2] World Health Organization (WHO), Dementia Key Facts
[3] Nichols, Emma et al. Estimation of the global prevalence of dementia in 2019 and forecasted prevalence in 2050: an analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. The Lancet Public Health, Volume 7, Issue 2, e105 - e125
[4] Philips and Icometrix have the intention to make icobrain aria software available for reselling in the USA through the Philips catalog, as well as a Smart Reading solution on MR platforms. Philips AI Manager is not intended for data interpretation or diagnosis. Availability of 3rd party algorithm may vary per market. The functionalities and benefits of the solution depend on customer-specific configuration and use. Please contact your local Philips representative for market availability.
For further information, please contact:
Kathy O'Reilly
Philips Global External Relations
Tel.: +1 978 221 8919
About Royal Philips
Royal Philips (NYSE: PHG, AEX: PHIA) is a leading health technology company focused on improving people's health and well-being through meaningful innovation. Philips'patient- and people-centric innovation leverages advanced technology and deep clinical and consumer insights to deliver personal health solutions for consumers and professional health solutions for healthcare providers and their patients in the hospital and the home. Headquartered in the Netherlands, the company is a leader in diagnostic imaging, ultrasound, image-guided therapy, monitoring, and enterprise informatics, as well as in personal health. Philips generated 2023 sales of EUR 18.2 billion and employs approximately 69,300 employees with sales and services in more than 100 countries. News about Philips can be found at
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