McKinsey & Company Named a Leader in the IDC MarketScape
McKinsey & Company Named a Leader in the IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Retail Media Network Service Providers 2024 Vendor Assessment
NEW YORK, Nov. 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- McKinsey & Company has been named a Leader in the IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Retail Media Network Service Providers 2024 Vendor Assessment (doc # US52574122, September 2024). McKinsey was recognized as a Leader among 13 service providers that develop, build, deliver, and support the creation and monetization of Retail Media Networks (RMN).
According to the IDC MarketScape, “Almost 32% of respondents identified a key constraint for building an RMN as staff/consultant expertise and knowledge about RMNs and implementation. It is for this reason that service providers are critical to retailers looking to bolster their retail businesses with RMN monetization.”
After a thorough evaluation of McKinsey's strategic value, commercial and technical capabilities, and track-record of delivery, the IDC MarketScape concluded that:
“McKinsey is well known for its strategic applications in the retail media market. The company's recent initiatives leverage a blueprint, build, and accelerate model that allows McKinsey to leverage expertise in the space across multiple client configurations. The Firm brings an enormous amount of talent in both retail and online media, and the intersection of these domains allows McKinsey to engage with prominent retailers in architecting and building their RMNs. McKinsey's focus on strategy, business case development, ad product and pricing, tech and data enablement, and sales and go-to-market strategy sets the stage for building RMNs worldwide.”
Key strengths of McKinsey’s that were highlighted in the report, include:
- Business advocacy for retail media: “McKinsey brings highly nimble teams that are designed to accelerate internal operations and supplement any gaps with expert support and leadership until companies can operate independently. The Firm emphasizes executive management buy-in, cross-functional stakeholder alignment, capability development, and change management.”
- Deep expertise and resources: “McKinsey offers expediting client launches and ensuring RMN success using superlative talent. The firm has deep benches of expertise built through building numerous RMNs and experience mitigating both common and rare obstacles across clients.”
- Objective-oriented delivery: “Much of the focus for McKinsey's team is leveraging data to support model building, scenario planning, and establishing goals and objectives, including financial specifications that executives are willing to support for the RMN development journey. Additionally, the Firm has a robust suite of commercial and technical assets that allow it to support key outcomes at every phase of the RMN journey with customizable approaches and varying levels of complexity.”
Quentin George, Partner and leader of RMN service and solutions, McKinsey & Company
“We are thrilled to be named a Leader by IDC MarketScape for the Worldwide Retail Media Network Service Providers 2024 Vendor Assessment. With the retail market slated to grow rapidly, spending in retail and commerce media will be bigger than for all global television and streaming advertising. We believe this recognition reinforces our commitment to helping our clients reimagine new formats using customer data, and to effectively build, scale and operationalize RMNs, leveraging our expertise, deep bench of talent, and extensive partner ecosystem.”
To access the excerpt, click here.
About IDC MarketScape
IDC MarketScape vendor assessment model is designed to provide an overview of the competitive fitness of technology and service suppliers in a given market. The research methodology utilizes a rigorous scoring methodology based on both qualitative and quantitative criteria that results in a single graphical illustration of each vendor’s position within a given market. IDC MarketScape provides a clear framework in which the product and service offerings, capabilities and strategies, and current and future market success factors of IT and telecommunications vendors can be meaningfully compared. The framework also provides technology buyers with a 360-degree assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of current and prospective vendors.
About the McKinsey Growth, Marketing & Sales practice
The mission of the McKinsey Growth, Marketing & Sales practice is to help leaders of both consumer and business-to-business organizations drive sustainable and inclusive growth through meaningful transformations and marketing-driven profit. The practice helps its clients to set their strategic direction, develop their marketing and sales capabilities, and connect their organization to realize the full potential of today's omnichannel opportunities. Clients benefit from McKinsey’s experience in core areas of marketing such as branding, customer insights, marketing ROI, digital marketing, CLM pricing, and sales and channel management.
For more information, please contact:
US media contact: Alyssa Kehoe, Digennaro Communications,, +1 917 518 8422
UK media contact: Ruth Jones/Becca Ross, 3THINKRS,, +44 0208 0872843
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