Teledyne launches Z-Trak 3D Apps Studio software tools for in-line 3D measurement and inspection
WATERLOO, Canada, Nov. 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Teledyne DALSA is pleased to introduce Z-Trak™ 3D Apps Studio, a suite of software tools developed for in-line 3D machine vision applications. Designed to work with Teledyne DALSA's Z-Trak family of laser profilers, it simplifies 3D dimensional measurement and inspection tasks on production lines. Capable of handling 3D scans of objects with varied surface types, sizes and geometric features, Z-Trak 3D Apps Studio is ideal for factory automation applications across a wide range of industries including electric vehicles (EV batteries, motor stators etc.), automotive, electronics, semiconductors, packaging, logistics, metal fabrication, lumber, and many more.
Z-Trak 3D Apps Studio features streamlined tools for measuring object thickness, inspecting glue-beads, weld seams, and identifying defects on flat, inclined, and curved surfaces on machined, assembled, or extruded parts. It also includes anchoring and data enhancement features like reflection elimination to ensure reliable and repeatable results under diverse operating conditions.
Teledyne's Z-Trak family of laser profilers features various multi-sensor topologies to enhance the field of view while preserving height resolution, to overcome occlusion, or to provide a 360° view of objects for inspection and measurements. Z-Trak 3D Apps Studio simultaneously acquires, processes, and analyzes 3D scans and 2D gray scale images (reflectance data) all with 3D visualization capabilities.
For easy integration and quick deployment, the Z-Trak 3D Apps Studio is accessible via Sherlock 8.30 (or higher), a field proven, no-code, graphical development environment for factory floor applications. Z-Trak 3D laser profilers include a Sherlock 8 license for in-line measurement applications.
For more details, please visit the product page, and for sales enquiries, visit our contact page.
Teledyne Vision Solutions offers the world's most comprehensive, vertically integrated portfolio of industrial and scientific imaging technology. Aligned under one umbrella, Teledyne DALSA, e2v CMOS image sensors, FLIR IIS, Lumenera, Photometrics, Princeton Instruments, Judson Technologies, Acton Optics, and Adimec form an unrivalled collective of expertise across the spectrum with decades of experience and best-in-class solutions. Together, they combine and leverage each other's strengths to provide the deepest, widest sensing and related technology portfolio in the world. Teledyne offers worldwide customer support and the technical expertise to handle the toughest tasks. Their tools, technologies, and vision solutions are built to deliver to their customers a unique and competitive advantage.
Media Contact
Jessica Broom
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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