Climate Action Champion and Humanitarian Mohamed Nasheed Receives Prestigious Global Citizen Award
LONDON, Nov. 28, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Hon. Mohamed Nasheed, a pioneering human rights activist and advocate for climate action, former President of the Maldives and the current Secretary-General of the Climate Vulnerable Forum, has been announced as the recipient of the 2024 Global Citizen Award. This annual tribute, presented by leading international residence and citizenship advisory firm Henley & Partners in partnership with the Swiss non-profit humanitarian organization Andan Foundation, recognizes his impactful leadership in advancing human rights and climate resilience on a global scale.
The prestigious award, which honors an individual who shows exceptional courage and commitment towards improving and supporting the global community, was presented at a gala reception during the 18th annual Global Citizenship Conference in Singapore, which brought together presidents and prime ministers, other senior government ministers and officials, and leading academics, as well as top-tier private client advisors and wealth management professionals.
President Nasheed received the Global Citizen Award for his unwavering commitment to environmental sustainability and humanitarian causes, particularly championing climate resilience for vulnerable countries. Since his tenure as the first democratically elected president of the Maldives, he has been instrumental in addressing the global climate crisis. In his current role as Secretary General of the Climate Vulnerable Forum, representing 70 countries, he leads broad advocacy efforts. He has championed renewable energy and led climate resilience projects in the Maldives and internationally. His initiatives have significantly shaped global climate policy, particularly for vulnerable nations most at risk from the impacts of climate change, improving lives worldwide.
Chairman of Henley & Partners and Founder of the Andan Foundation, Dr. Christian H. Kaelin, remarked on Nasheed’s deserving recognition. “President Nasheed’s dedication to humanitarian work and climate action for vulnerable communities is truly extraordinary. As a steadfast advocate for our planet and its most at-risk populations, he has elevated the urgent call for climate resilience and social equity worldwide. Nasheed embodies the spirit of global citizenship, bridging divides and championing a sustainable future for those most vulnerable. We are honored to recognize a leader whose vision resonates across borders and generations.”
The Global Citizen Award selection process is based on a majority decision of the Global Citizen Award Committee. The award itself consists of a bespoke sculptural medal designed by leading Italian artist Antonio Nocera, an award certificate signed by the Chairman of the Global Citizen Award Committee, and a monetary prize of USD 20,000, which goes towards supporting the awardee’s humanitarian efforts. In addition, Henley & Partners commits to working closely with the awardee for a period of one year, raising awareness of their work and supporting through the firm’s network of more than 60 offices worldwide.
Since its inception, the Global Citizen Award has honored many remarkable individuals. The first laureate was German entrepreneur Harald Höppner, who set up the refugee humanitarian aid project Sea-Watch. Other previous recipients are Dr. Imtiaz Sooliman, Founder of the Gift of the Givers Foundation, Africa’s largest disaster relief organization, and Monique Morrow, Co-Founder of The Humanized Internet, a digital identity project that aims to bring hope to the estimated 1.1 billion individuals in the world who cannot prove their legal identity. Diep Vuong, Co-Founder and President of the Pacific Links Foundation, was awarded for her work in Southeast Asia, campaigning for the rights of those enslaved by human trafficking, and Prof. Dr. Padraig O’Malley received his Global Citizen Award in recognition of his efforts around conflict resolution and reconciliation in Iraq, Northern Ireland, and South Africa. Last year the award went to humanitarian, philanthropist, and Founder of the Future Prowess Foundation School for orphans and less privileged children, Zannah Bukar Mustapha for his critical role in mediating the release of over 100 of the Chibok schoolgirls who were kidnapped by Islamic insurgency group Boko Haram in Nigeria in April 2014, giving rise to the international #BringBackOurGirls campaign.
Thanking Henley & Partners and the Andan Foundation for their recognition of his work, Nasheed said, “I am deeply honored to accept this award, which underscores our collective commitment to addressing the climate crisis and protecting those most at risk. Real change begins with unity, and together, our shared humanity can overcome the challenges that shape our future.”
Media Contact:
Sarah Nicklin
Group Head of PR
+27 72 464 8965
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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