MEDSIR, Featured Company at the Shanghai International Medical Oncology Symposium (7th SIMOS)
- MEDSIR, a leader in independent clinical research in oncology, strengthens its commitment to international collaboration and the exchange of scientific knowledge.
- Dr. Antonio Llombart-Cussac, Senior Scientific Lead at MEDSIR, delivered the lecture "Clinical Practice and Future Management of HR+/HER2- Breast Cancer," focusing on the challenges and advances in personalized treatment for this condition.
- Shanghai SIMOS 2024, whose seventh edition took place this week, is one of the most influential conferences in the field of oncology and clinical research in Asia. It is supported by the Shanghai Anti-Cancer Association and organized by the Cancer Hospital affiliated with Fudan University.
BARCELONA, Spain, Nov. 29, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- MEDSIR, a leading company dedicated to advancing independent clinical research in oncology on an international level, participated in the 7th Shanghai International Medical Oncology Symposium (SIMOS) in China, one of the most prestigious academic events in the global oncology field. Through this, the company reaffirms its commitment to scientific advancement, improving breast cancer treatments worldwide, and fostering the exchange of knowledge across regions.
The congress brought together prominent national and international experts, featuring special reports and in-depth discussions addressing the most pressing topics in modern oncology: including targeted therapies, immunotherapy, chemotherapy, combination treatments, and strategies for managing adverse drug reactions.
During the event, Dr. Antonio Llombart-Cussac, Senior Scientific Lead at MEDSIR, presented on "Clinical Practice and Future Management of HR+/HER2- Breast Cancer." His presentation highlighted the most effective strategies for personalized treatments in this cancer subtype and the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to optimize patient outcomes.
“Participating in this congress has been a great opportunity to share the advances we are achieving in Europe with the Chinese scientific community while learning from their innovative approaches. International collaboration is essential to bring knowledge to new markets, accelerate personalized treatment development, and ultimately provide more effective solutions for patients worldwide,” said Dr. Javier Cortés, Senior Scientific Lead at MEDSIR.
During the congress, Dr. Cortés visited Taizhou Hospital, where he shared insights into the latest innovations in clinical trials and underscored the importance of international collaboration. The event demonstrated how medical oncology is moving towards a more integrated and personalized approach to cancer treatment, promoting therapeutic strategies that combine precision, standardization, and adaptability.
The congress, held from November 21 to 24, was sponsored by the Shanghai Anti-Cancer Association and organized by the Cancer Hospital affiliated with Fudan University. It also received support from entities such as the Committee of Multiple Primary and Unknown Tumors, the Committee for Tumor Heterogeneity and Individualized Treatment under the Chinese Anti-Cancer Association (CACA), and leading scientific publications, including Chinese Cancer Magazine, Tumor Imaging, and Anti-Cancer.
MEDSIR’s participation in international conferences like the 7th SIMOS reinforces its presence in key markets such as China and consolidates its position as a global leader in oncology research, strengthening its commitment to scientific innovation and the development of advanced cutting-edge cancer treatments.
Founded in 2012, MEDICA SCIENTIA INNOVATION RESEARCH S.L.(MEDSIR) stands out for its close collaboration with strategic partners to drive innovation in oncology research. Headquartered in Spain and the United States, the company manages clinical trials end-to-end, from study design to publication, leveraging a global network of experts and integrated technology to streamline the process. MEDSIR offers support for proof-of-concept studies and strategic approaches, allowing research partners to benefit from the best of both industry-led and investigator-initiated clinical research.
With the aim of promoting independent research globally, MEDSIR has established a strategic alliance with Oncoclínicas, Brazil's leading oncology group with significant research potential in South America.
For more information:
About Dr. Antonio Llombart-Cussac
Dr. Antonio Llombart-Cussac is Senior Scientific Leader and co-founder of MEDSIR. He is also the Head of Medical Oncology at Arnau de Vilanova Hospital in Valencia, Spain.
About Dr. Javier Cortés
Dr. Javier Cortés is the world’s leading expert in HER2+ breast cancer and the fourth leading expert in breast cancer overall. He is Senior Scientific Lead in MEDSIR and founder and director of the International Breast Cancer Center (IBCC) in Barcelone. Dr. Cortés has authored over 400 publications.
Press Contacts
Global Brand Communication – MEDSIR
- Sergio Aguilar, Global Brand & Communication Director
+34 674 82 87 24 | - Eduardo Martín Espallargas, Global Communication Manager
+34 634 835 389 | - Carles Berloso, International PR & Communications
+34 677 49 75 23 |
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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