Better care for more people: Philips innovates in AI-enabled imaging and cloud-based informatics at
December 1, 2024
Philips' intelligent diagnostic and treatment solutions, combined with its advanced capabilities in healthcare informatics, uniquely position the company to drive precision imaging for a greater number of patients
Amsterdam, the Netherlands and Chicago, USA – Royal Philips (NYSE: PHG, AEX: PHIA), a global leader in health technology, today unveiled the company’s latest AI-powered diagnostic and treatment imaging innovations to advance precise imaging with faster, easier and more efficient workflows. Addressing key challenges faced by radiologists, these innovations are complemented by Philips’ industry-leading expertise in cloud-based data management, advanced visualization, automation, and AI. Together, they aim to reduce the administrative burden and empower clinicians with insights to deliver better care for more people.
“The healthcare industry is facing a perfect storm of challenges in radiology: increasing patient volumes, skyrocketing demand for imaging studies, and an explosion in imaging data. At the same time, staff shortages are creating mounting pressure on already strained resources,” said Bert van Meurs, Chief Business Leader of Diagnosis and Treatment at Philips. “Our intelligent imaging systems combined with our world-class informatics support healthcare providers in embracing innovative solutions that enhance efficiency, reduce the administrative burden, and empower radiologists to focus on delivering precise, high-quality care.”
The Philips Future Health Index 2024 Report shows 99% of radiology leaders surveyed struggle with staff shortages, with nearly 4 in 5 facing financial pressures, and 45% experiencing symptoms of burnout. Radiologists are also seeing a 40% increase in patients with complex diseases [1] in clinical areas like cardiology and neurology, which is driving the need for imaging exams and a 60% increase in imaging data [2]. At this year’s RSNA, Philips will demonstrate how it is uniquely positioned to help mitigate these challenges with breakthrough innovations that advance precision imaging for more patients and enhance productivity through seamless integration of imaging and informatics.
Leadership in innovative helium-free MRI operations
Philips will unveil the industry’s first and only wide-bore, high-performance helium-free [3] MR scanner with fully integrated cloud-based, AI-driven, automated quantitative reporting capabilities [4] for specific disease areas like neurology and oncology. With AI assistance at every step of the workflow, from planning to imaging and reporting, Philips’ next generation BlueSeal 1.5T MRI boosts productivity, ease of use and access to precision diagnosis around the world, while caring for the planet. Philips’ revolutionary BlueSeal technology sets new standards in MRI as the lightest 70 cm system available today [5], making it easier to install and cost-effective to maintain, enabling flexible installations and wider access in new locations.
Breakthrough innovations in Diagnosis and Treatment
Making its debut in North America at RSNA is the fully AI-enabled CT 5300, featuring Precise Image AI-based reconstruction software to assist at every step of the CT workflow, while reducing radiation dose and improving image quality for complex exams like cardiac imaging. Philips will also spotlight Spectral CT 7500, providing spectral CT solutions across a wide range of clinical areas including cardiology, oncology, neurology, musculoskeletal, and pediatrics. With more than 24 million spectral exams performed to date, Spectral CT 7500 has been shown to deliver up to 97% diagnostic sensitivity compared to 55% with conventional CT [6]; 96% certainty of cyst vs. lesion compared to 30% with conventional CT [7]; and a 26% reduction in follow-up scans due to incomplete diagnosis [8].
Philips is elevating image quality in ultrasound with the newest releases of its EPIQ Elite and Affiniti systems featuring new workflow and quantification automation to make exams faster and reproducible to help increase clinical confidence. With more than 100 optimized presets across multiple clinical applications, Philips’ latest innovations in ultrasound help reduce exam times and variability. This is meant to increase efficiency with over 50% reduction in time for image optimization during abdominal and obstetrics exams [9]. Also showcased will be the latest Azurion 7 platform to support image-guided interventional procedures with a 17% reduction in procedure time and a 12% reduction in patient preparation time, bringing the ability to treat one more patient per day [10].
Expanded strategic collaboration with AWS
At RSNA Philips will showcase its advanced Healthcare Informatics capabilities for data management, advanced visualization, automation, and AI to help reduce administrative burdens and empower clinicians with insights to deliver better care. In the run-up to the event, Philips expanded its strategic collaboration with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to offer Philips’ integrated diagnostics portfolio in the cloud, including radiology, digital pathology, cardiology [11], and AI advanced visualization [11] solutions. As part of the agreement, Philips aims to create robust and scalable generative AI applications that leverage state-of-the-art foundation models from Amazon Bedrock, and seamlessly integrate into clinical workflows.
Philips will also debut the latest 510(k) clearance of its Radiology Operations Command Center remote scanning and remote protocol management features [12] enabling real-time collaboration between imaging experts and on-site technologists, virtually anywhere, to help streamline radiology operations and workflows to provide high-quality imaging to more patients at lower costs. Paired with the world’s first and only helium-free mobile MRI solution, Philips continues to expand quality care to large populations of traditionally underserved patients in a more accessible and sustainable way.
Visit Philips at RSNA for more information.
[1] 3 Key market trends source: The Burden of Chronic Disease (Karen Hacker); The healthcare data explosion (RBC Capital Markets); Radiologist burnout (Catalina imaging)
[2] 3 Key market trends source: The Burden of Chronic Disease (Karen Hacker); The healthcare data explosion (RBC Capital Markets); Radiologist burnout (Catalina imaging)
[3] Helium-free operations. 7 liters of helium is permanently enclosed in the cryogenic circuit.
[4] BlueSeal XE/SE and Smart Reading are not yet CE marked, not cleared in all countries, and not yet available for delivery in any country. Please consult your Philips contact person for further information.
[5] Compared to conventional 1.5T zero boil off systems in the industry BlueSeal MR system weight (with cryogen) 2,300 kg (5,071 lbs).
[6] Mellander, et al. (Skåne University Hospital, Lund, Sweden), Acta Radiology (2022) DOI: 10.1177/02841851221130612
[7] Andersen MB, Ebbesen D, Thygesen J, Kruis M, Rasmussen F. Impact of spectral body imaging in patients suspected for occult cancer: a prospective study of 503 patients. Eur Radiol. 2020 Oct;30(10):5539-5550. doi: 10.1007/s00330-020-06878-7
[8] Follow-up Recommendation Rates Associated with Spectral Detector Dual-Energy CT of the Abdomen and Pelvis: A Retrospective Comparison to Single-Energy CT. Atwi, Noah E. et al. J Am Coll Radiol. 2020;17:940-950
[9] D001833994, Marketing Claim Evidence for VM12.0 Workflow Efficiency Quick Launch Preset
[10] Results from study conducted at St. Antonius Hospital. Results verified by NAMSA, independent third-party expert on study design and analytics. Results are specific to the institution where they were obtained and may not reflect the results achievable at other institutions.
[11] Available on cloud in 2025.
[11] Available on cloud in 2025.
[12] Remote editing and protocol management are functionalities powered by the 510(k) cleared ROCC Console solution. ROCC Console is not to be used without a trained and qualified user at the scanner.
For further information, please contact:
Kathy O’Reilly
Philips Global External Relations
Tel.: +1 978-221-8919
E-mail :
About Royal Philips
Royal Philips (NYSE: PHG, AEX: PHIA) is a leading health technology company focused on improving people's health and well-being through meaningful innovation. Philips’ patient- and people-centric innovation leverages advanced technology and deep clinical and consumer insights to deliver personal health solutions for consumers and professional health solutions for healthcare providers and their patients in the hospital and the home. Headquartered in the Netherlands, the company is a leader in diagnostic imaging, ultrasound, image-guided therapy, monitoring and enterprise informatics, as well as in personal health. Philips generated 2023 sales of EUR 18.2 billion and employs approximately 69,300 employees with sales and services in more than 100 countries. News about Philips can be found at
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