EMGA arranges US$ 30M debt finance for Uzbekistan’s Ipak Yuli Bank
LONDON, Dec. 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Emerging Markets Global Advisory LLP (EMGA) announces they have completed their first transaction in Uzbekistan securing US$ 30M from the OPEC Fund for International Development (OPEC Fund).
Commenting on the transaction, Ipak Yuli’s Chairman Mr.Saydakhmedov Saidabror said, “We are pleased to be the first private bank in Uzbekistan to sign an agreement with the OPEC Fund. This is an important step in supporting the development of the Micro, Small, and Medium-Sized Business (MSME) sector in our country. We share common values with the OPEC Fund in fostering entrepreneurship and are confident that this partnership will lay the foundation for expanding our cooperation in the future, contributing to the further development of the economy and creating new opportunities for businesses.”
EMGA’s Head of Investment Banking and Managing Director Sajeev Chakkalakal said, “In spite of a challenging global macroeconomic environment, we are pleased to structure this transaction and facilitate Ipak Yuli’s continued vision to supporting SMEs in Uzbekistan, as well simultaneously help expand the presence of OPEC Fund’s on-going operations in the region.”
EMGA’s Head of Operations and Managing Director Jeremy Dobson added, “EMGA is delighted to have secured this financing for Ipak Yuli, the operation will further diversify their funding base and bodes well for the future.”
OPEC Fund President Abdulhamid Alkhalifa said: “Our partnership with Ipak Yuli Bank reflects our targeted approach to support Uzbekistan’s private sector transformation. By facilitating access to finance for businesses, including those led by women, we are helping unlock their potential to contribute to the country’s sustainable economic growth. This partnership is not just about financing—it is about supporting a more dynamic and inclusive private sector that fosters economic opportunities and enhances the well-being of communities across Uzbekistan.”
Ipak Yuli is a joint-stock commercial-innovation bank in Uzbekistan. It was established in December 1990 and provides banking services to individual entrepreneurs, small and medium-sized businesses, state organizations and institutions, and to corporate customers. In addition to a wide range of banking services and credit operations, the bank carries out leasing, factoring and project financing operations, operations with cash and non-cash currency funds, operations on the stock market on behalf of clients
The OPEC Fund for International Development (the OPEC Fund) is the only globally mandated development institution that provides financing from member countries to non-member countries exclusively. The organization works in cooperation with developing country partners and the international development community to stimulate economic growth and social progress in low- and middle-income countries around the world. The OPEC Fund was established in 1976 and has committed over US$27 billion to development projects in over 125 countries with an estimated total project cost of more than US$200 billion. The OPEC Fund is rated AA+/Outlook Stable by Fitch and AA+, Outlook Stable by S&P. Our vision is a world where sustainable development is a reality for all.
Emerging Markets Global Advisory LLP (EMGA), with offices in London and New York, helps financial institutions and corporates seeking new debt or equity capital. EMGA’s multi-national team combine the decades of experience necessary to complete transactions on behalf of their clients within the world’s emerging markets and frontier economies, including Uzbekistan which remains a key market. With a proven track record in capital formation and strategic advisory throughout diverse economic cycles, EMGA continues expanding its geographic reach and service offering, solidifying its place in the market as one of the industries pre-eminent emerging markets focused niche investment banks.
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