Freshworks Appoints Srinivasan Raghavan as Chief Product Officer
Former executive at RingCentral, Five9 and Cisco, joins to lead product innovation and scale growth of Freshworks’ AI, CX and EX solutions
SAN MATEO, Calif., Dec. 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Freshworks Inc. (NASDAQ: FRSH) today announced Srinivasan Raghavan as its new Chief Product Officer (CPO) with over two decades of leadership experience in the enterprise SaaS industry. Srini will lead and scale the Freshworks’ product strategy and vision for its people-first AI service software used to deliver exceptional customer experiences (CX) and employee experiences (EX). He joins the Freshworks executive management team, reporting directly to Chief Executive Officer and President Dennis Woodside.
Freshworks Appoints Srinivasan Raghavan as Chief Product Officer
Former executive at RingCentral, Five9 and Cisco, joins to lead product innovation and scale growth of Freshworks’ AI, CX and EX solutions
“Srini is a key addition to our team to lead innovation that delivers a scalable trajectory for growth across our three key business priorities: employee experience, artificial intelligence, and customer experience,” said Woodside. “Srini’s track record driving enterprise growth and managing complex multi-product scaling efforts coupled with his bold vision for the future of AI, make him uniquely qualified to lead our CX and EX product strategy.”
Srini most recently served as Chief Product Officer at RingCentral, where he broadened the company’s portfolio to generate additional sources of revenue from new cloud-based contact center, marketing, and sales intelligence solutions. Prior to that, as Senior Vice President of Product at Five9, he spearheaded the development of AI-powered digital engagement and automation solutions, including a platform for workflow automation, virtual agents, and assistive tools for contact center agents. Earlier in his career, Srini held strategy and product leadership roles at Cisco in the Applications Software and Collaboration Business units. His deep technical expertise, rooted in his engineering background, is complemented by his experience in product management, user experience and corporate strategy and development.
“Joining Freshworks at a time when AI is unlocking new possibilities for businesses worldwide to drive growth and improve operational efficiency is an incredible opportunity,” said Raghavan. “By continuing to integrate AI and workflow automation across the Freshworks platform and solutions, we can add significant customer value and shape the future of CX and EX together.”
Srini holds a Bachelors and Masters degree in Computer Science and Engineering, and an MBA from The University of Chicago Booth School of Business. He has a passion for creating customer-centric, innovative and scalable solutions. His global leadership experience across the U.S., Europe, and Asia positions him to bring a diverse and strategic perspective to Freshworks.
About Freshworks
Freshworks Inc. (NASDAQ: FRSH) provides people-first AI service software that organizations use to deliver exceptional customer and employee experiences. More than 68,000 companies, including American Express, Bridgestone, Databricks, Fila, Nucor, and Sony choose Freshworks’ uncomplicated solutions to increase efficiency and loyalty. For the latest company news and customer stories, visit and follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, and X.
Media Relations Contact:
Jayne Gonzalez
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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