Canon Medical Informatics Selected by Leading U.S. Health System to Standardize 3D Processing Capabi
MINNETONKA, Minn., Dec. 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Canon Medical Informatics, Inc. has been selected by a leading U.S. health system to standardize advanced imaging capabilities across 6 sites using the Vitrea Advanced Visualization enterprise platform. By leveraging their privately managed cloud infrastructure, the health system achieves scalable, secure, and cost-efficient access to cutting-edge imaging solutions. This strategy empowers the organization to prioritize data control, regulatory compliance, and clinical workflow efficiency across all its sites, offering the flexibility needed to thrive in today’s rapidly evolving healthcare environment.
"As healthcare organizations navigate an increasingly complex digital landscape, the demand for solutions that balance flexibility and control continues to grow," said Genady Knizhnik, Executive Vice President of Canon Medical Informatics. "By choosing to deploy Vitrea in a privately managed cloud environment, this health system demonstrates a strategic commitment to scalability and customization while maintaining the highest standards of data security and compliance. Canon’s cloud-ready solutions are optimized for customer-managed environments on platforms like Azure and AWS, enabling seamless integration with existing IT systems and greater adaptability to customer-specific workflows."
Canon’s cloud-ready Vitrea platform enables healthcare organizations to manage their own private cloud infrastructure, delivering secure, scalable access to advanced imaging capabilities. Designed for seamless integration with EHR, PACS, and analytics tools, Vitrea enhances both operational efficiency and clinical outcomes through customizable workflows.
Key Benefits of Canon’s Cloud-Ready Vitrea Platform:
- Scalability & Control: Supports internal cloud environments, offering scalability while maintaining data control and compliance.
- Customizable Workflows: Allows health systems to tailor imaging workflows to meet their unique clinical needs.
- Seamless Integration: Optimized to integrate with existing systems like EHRs, PACS, and analytics platforms for smooth interoperability.
- Predictable Costs: Provides cost-effective scalability, avoiding the unpredictable expenses often associated with fully managed SaaS models.
- Enhanced Performance: Dedicated cloud deployments ensure consistent performance, critical in clinical settings where uptime and reliability are essential.
Experience Canon Medical Informatics' commitment to delivering secure, flexible, and cost-efficient healthcare solutions designed to meet the needs of today while empowering future innovation. Visit Canon Medical HIT at RSNA 2024, Booth #8149, to learn more and see our latest advancements in action.
About Canon Medical Informatics, Inc.
Canon Medical Informatics, Inc. provides advanced imaging solutions that include a full spectrum of 100+ clinical applications, and enhance diagnostic precision, operational efficiency, and patient care. Known for its scalable, flexible Vitrea Advanced Visualization enterprise platform, Canon Medical Informatics helps healthcare organizations leverage imaging intelligence, automation, and AI to streamline workflows and improve outcomes.
At Canon Medical, we work hand in hand with our partners – our medical, academic and research community. We build relationships based on transparency, trust and respect. Together as one, we strive to create industry-leading solutions that deliver an enriched quality of life. For more information, visit the Canon Medical website:
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