Riyadh Art Celebrates Riyadh Train Launch with Artworks Illuminating the Urban and Cultural Landscap

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, Dec. 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Riyadh Art, the world’s largest public art program, is an unparalleled cultural infrastructure initiative that reimagines urban spaces, fosters creativity, and enriches lives. Led by the Royal Commission for Riyadh City (RCRC), as one of the four initial Mega Projects of Vision 2030, Riyadh Art champions cultural innovation, drives economic diversification, and positions Riyadh as a global center for contemporary art and culture.
With the opening of the Riyadh Metro, Riyadh Art unveils four monumental public artworks that transform key metro stations into cultural landmarks. At the King Abdullah Financial District (KAFD) Metro Station, designed by the internationally acclaimed Zaha Hadid Architects, Alexander Calder’s Janey Waney takes center stage. This bold and colorful sculpture exemplifies Calder’s pioneering spirit in kinetic art, creating a dynamic and engaging experience for visitors. Nearby, Robert Indiana’s LOVE (Red Outside Blue Inside), one of the most recognizable public artworks globally, captivates audiences with its vibrant interplay of color and its universal themes of connection and hope. Together, these masterpieces transform the daily commute into a celebration of art, architecture, and creativity.
At the Qasr Al Hokm Downtown Metro Station, designed by the renowned architectural firm Snøhetta, Ugo Rondinone’s the sun serves as a striking golden centerpiece, symbolizing energy and renewal. Complementing this is Zaman Jassim’s When the Moon is Full, a reflective and poetic piece that draws inspiration from Riyadh’s rich cultural heritage. These artworks, combined with the architectural brilliance of the station, redefine public spaces, blending art with the rhythm of daily life to create a truly unique cultural experience.
“These permanent artworks embody our vision of transforming Riyadh into an open-air gallery that enriches the quality of life and fosters a deeper connection between people and art,” said Architect Khalid Al-Hazani, Executive Director of Riyadh Art. “By collaborating with some of the most creative minds of our time, we’re not just adding art to public spaces—we’re creating cultural landmarks that inspire and engage generations.”
Since its launch in 2019, Riyadh Art has seamlessly integrated art into the urban fabric of Saudi Arabia’s capital, showcasing over 500 artworks by more than 500 local and international artists, hosting more than 6000 community engagement activities, and engaging over 6 million visitors. As the program continues to expand, the number of artworks and initiatives is set to grow significantly, fostering a sense of community, enriching the city’s identity, and elevating Riyadh’s standing as a vibrant and global arts destination.
As part of its cultural legacy, Riyadh Art opens 35 sculptures from the Tuwaiq Sculpture Symposium to the public at the King Abdulaziz Historical Center. These sculptures, created by a diverse range of Saudi and international artists, showcase a dynamic fusion of cultural heritage and contemporary creativity. The collection represents a significant milestone, and will continue to evolve over the coming years, cementing Riyadh’s reputation as a vibrant cultural.
For more information about Riyadh Art and its initiatives, visit www.riyadhart.sa.
For more information regarding Riyadh Art:
Riyadh Art Media Center: info@riyadhart.sa
-Notes to editors-
About Riyadh Art
Riyadh, the capital city of Saudi Arabia, is on a 10-year mission to become one of the world's most livable and competitive cities, a global center which is open for business and that welcomes the world. With a young and rapidly growing population of 7+ million residents, Riyadh is transforming into a vibrant and cosmopolitan metropolis.
Art and culture reflect the spirit of a city. That’s why the Riyadh Art project has been developed to turn the whole capital into a creative canvas – a gallery without walls – to enrich lives, ignite creative expression and kindle the creative economy. Riyadh Art is a demonstration of the open, accessible and creative transformation of the capital, where the exchange of ideas through creative expression develops a deeper sense of mutual understanding and respect.
The Riyadh Art project will have a positive impact on people, bringing everyday moments of joy to residents and visitors alike, while instilling a greater sense of civic pride and creating a more beautiful city for everyone to enjoy. It will also spark the development of the new creative economy and have a positive effect on attracting new businesses to invest in the city.
Website: www.riyadhart.sa
Instagram: @riyadhartofficial
X: @Riyadh_Arts
Facebook: @RiyadhArtOfficial
Photos accompanying this announcement are available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/891423d9-563a-401e-8e9c-aa08f0028d1c
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