Allegro DVT Launches TV 3.0 Test Suite for Brazil’s Next Generation Digital Terrestrial Television S
Allegro DVT, a global leader in Digital TV testing and Video Decoder Compliance Solutions announces the availability of the industry’s first test suite for the upcoming Brazil’s TV 3.0 digital terrestrial television (DTT) broadcast system.
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The test suite, dubbed Streamwise-TV3.0, will play a critical role throughout the whole TV3.0 value chain to ensure the availability of high-quality and fully compliant TV3.0 capable Receivers that enable a uniform user experience as broadcasters gear up to launch the first TV3.0 channels in 2025.
The new TV3.0 standard, developed by Brazil’s SBTVD Forum, introduces many innovations to revolutionize TV user experience by providing high quality video, immersive audio, and enabling interactive services. It builds on next-generation video codec such as VVC/H.266 and MPEG-5 LCEVC to enable 8K, HDR, AR/VR to be supported and delivered over broadcast, or hybrid broadband/broadcast networks, based on IP-centric protocols.
Allegro DVT, as a member of the SBTVD forum, is supporting the transition to this next-generation digital broadcast system by making available the Streamwise-TV3.0 test suite to help TV and STB Manufacturers verify the compliance and interoperability of their TV3.0 Receivers.
“We expect the complexity of the TV3.0 standard to pose numerous implementation challenges”, commented Nouar Hamze, CEO at Allegro DVT. “Ensuring a successful launch of TV3.0 and its rapid adoption by consumers require the availability of high-quality Receivers that are thoroughly tested against all the new features introduced by this new standard. Our Streawise-TV3.0 test suite will be a major value-add to ensure interoperability and compliance, maintain quality standards, and ultimately achieve market acceptance by enhancing consumers’ satisfaction with their products and services.”
Allegro DVT’s Streamwise-TV3.0 test suite covers many features aimed at reducing field issues and permitting a consistent user experience across all receivers and ultimately accelerating time-to-market.
Key Streamwise-TV3.0 features include
- Audio/Video codecs and formats including MPEG-H, VVC and MPEG-5 LCEVC
- Audio/Video synchronization
- Subtitles synchronization
- Emergency services
- Service signaling
- TV2.5 compatibility
- Broadband services
- …
The test suite will be regularly updated to track the evolution of TV3.0 standards.
About Allegro DVT
Allegro DVT, headquartered in Grenoble/France with offices in Tampere/Finland, Belfast/Northern Ireland, Sand Diego/USA, Beijing/China, is a world leading provider of digital video technology solutions including compliance video and system streams. Allegro DVT, operates as an independent, impartial, and objective testing house providing professional digital TV, receiver and video decoder compliance test services to major TV OEMs, CE vendors and digital TV broadcasters and operators worldwide.
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