LambdaTest Partners with Autify to Enhance No-Code Mobile App Testing with Real Device Support
LambdaTest partners with Autify to enable seamless real-device testing for faster onboarding and cost-effective mobile app automation
Noida/San Francisco, Dec. 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- LambdaTest, a leading unified testing platform, is proud to announce its partnership with Autify, a no-code testing platform for native mobile applications. This collaboration integrates Autify’s testing capabilities with LambdaTest’s Real Device Cloud, empowering users to test applications on a wide range of real devices and operating systems seamlessly.
Autify’s all-in-one solution has been a game-changer for mobile app testing, offering customers a comprehensive environment for test automation without the need for dedicated devices. However, the reliance on simulators posed challenges, including compatibility issues, bugs unique to simulators, and significant costs related to scalability. By leveraging LambdaTest’s Real Device Cloud, Autify now provides a robust alternative, enabling customers to test their applications on real devices with unmatched ease and efficiency.
The introduction of LambdaTest’s Real Device Cloud addresses these issues. Customers can now record and execute tests on real devices, including Android, iOS, tablets, and iPads, without the need to procure or manage hardware. Using Appium, Autify communicates directly with LambdaTest to allocate the required devices, ensuring smooth and efficient testing.
Keita Moriya, Product Manager of Autify NoCode Mobile, shared his thoughts on the collaboration: “We are thrilled to partner with LambdaTest. Their Real Device Cloud meets our diverse requirements and offers exceptional support for technical challenges. We’re excited to explore additional features like Camera Image Injection, Biometric Authentication, and Dedicated Devices to deliver even greater value to our customers.”
The partnership between LambdaTest and Autify has delivered remarkable results. New customers can now be onboarded in less than a day—a significant improvement from the previous two-week timeline. Additionally, operational costs have been reduced, and customers benefit from a seamless experience without simulator-specific bugs or inconsistencies. The extensive range of OS-device combinations offered by LambdaTest has surpassed expectations, enabling Autify to provide a comprehensive and reliable testing solution.
Further commenting on the partnership, Mohit Juneja, VP of Strategic Sales and Partnerships at LambdaTest shared, “It’s incredibly fulfilling to collaborate with Autify in their mission to simplify and accelerate no-code mobile app testing,” said Mohit Juneja, VP of Strategic Sales and Partnerships at LambdaTest. “By integrating our Real Device Cloud with Autify’s platform, we’re addressing key challenges around scalability, cost, and compatibility—offering customers a seamless and efficient testing experience. Partnerships like this demonstrate our shared commitment to innovation and delivering real value to end-users, and we’re excited about the transformative impact this will have on mobile app automation”
This strategic alliance represents a significant step towards Autify’s vision of providing an out-of-the-box solution for mobile app testing. Together, LambdaTest and Autify aim to simplify and accelerate the testing process, ensuring scalability, cost efficiency, and unparalleled ease of use for customers worldwide.
About LambdaTest
LambdaTest is an intelligent and omnichannel software quality assurance platform that enables businesses to accelerate time to market through AI-powered cloud-based test authoring, orchestration, and execution. Over 10,000+ enterprise customers and 2+ million users across 130+ countries rely on LambdaTest for their testing needs.
• Browser & App Testing Cloud allows users to run both manual and automated tests of web and mobile apps across 5000+ different browsers, real devices, and operating system environments.
• HyperExecute helps customers run and orchestrate test grids in the cloud for any framework and programming language at blazing-fast speeds to reduce quality test time, helping developers build software faster.
For more information, please visit,
About Autify
With a mission to enhance people’s creativity through technology, Autify, Inc. has developed an AI-powered quality engineering platform. Since its launch, Autify has been implemented by many global organizations whose development teams use Autify to automate their software testing. Test automation often presents several challenges, such as a lack of resources to create test cases, maintain end-to-end (E2E) test code, and debug tests. Autify’s product suite addresses these issues by utilizing generative AI.
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