Denodo Named a Leader in the 2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Data Integration Tools for Five Conse
Denodo believes this recognition is due to the strength of its capabilities, the breadth of its partner network, and the loyalty of its diverse customer base
PALO ALTO, Calif., Dec. 09, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Denodo, a leader in data management, today announced that Gartner® has positioned the Company as a Leader for the fifth consecutive year in its 2024 Magic Quadrant for Data Integration Tools. “The data integration tools market remains buoyant as organizations increasingly seek improved capabilities to support their operational, analytical and AI infrastructure use cases,” states Gartner. “In this research, we evaluate 20 vendors that compete to meet your organization’s data integration needs.”
The complete and complementary Magic Quadrant report, published on December 3, 2024 and authored by Thornton Craig et al., is available here.
“By 2027, AI assistants and AI-enhanced workflows incorporated into data integration tools will reduce manual intervention by 60% and enable self-service data management,” according to the 2024 Magic Quadrant report.
Leveraging the award winning Denodo Platform, organizations acquire timely, trusted, integrated datasets for faster analytics and informed business decisions, while building a strong foundation of AI-ready data to accelerate generative AI (GenAI) initiatives. The Denodo Platform is trusted by leading Fortune 500 and Global 1000 brands to improve customer experiences, gain operational efficiencies and agility, achieve self-service data democratization, and realize IT infrastructure modernization.
“The data integration market is evolving to include advanced AI and GenAI capabilities, and Denodo is leading the charge. We are very proud that Gartner Magic Quadrant has recognized us again for the past five years as a Leader in Data Integration Tools. This gives us the confirmation of our unique strength in simplifying and accelerating data integration in this complex, dynamic age,” said Ravi Shankar, senior vice president and chief marketing officer at Denodo. “We are so appreciative of our dedicated customers for entrusting us with their data. It is such an honor to also be recognized as a Customers’ Choice in the Gartner Peer Insights™ report for four years consecutively. We feel This demonstrates the strong reliance that our customers have placed in our logical approach to data management.”
In the 2024 Gartner Peer Insights “Voice of the Customer”: Data Integration Tools report, Denodo customers said:
“My overall experience with Denodo has been exceptionally positive, particularly in its ability to seamlessly connect data from various data sources and take us quickly from data to insight. Also, the federated architecture provides collaboration opportunities between our different teams.” - data enablement manager, Miscellaneous Industry
“Denodo is a fantastic tool for data integration as it centralizes data from various sources into one place. I find Denodo a user friendly tool because of its intuitive UI and thorough documentation. It simplifies data management and enhances efficiency across the system.” - product owner, Manufacturing
“The combination of personal contact with our key account, great support including advisory sessions and on-demand trainings as well as official and community events makes Denodo stand out from other vendors.” - domain lead, Telecommunication
Gartner, Magic Quadrant for Data Integration Tools, Thornton Craig, Sharat Menon, Robert Thanaraj, Michele Launi, Nina Showell, 3 December 2024
Gartner, Gartner Peer Insights ‘Voice of the Customer’: Data Integration Tools, 24 May 2024
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Media Contacts
Denodo is a leader in data management. The award-winning Denodo Platform is the leading logical data management platform for delivering data in the language of business, at the speed of business, for all data-related initiatives across the organization. Realizing more than 400% ROI and millions of dollars in benefits, Denodo’s customers across enterprises in 30+ industries all over the world have received payback in less than six months. For more information, visit
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