GEn1E Lifesciences appoints François Nader, MD as Chair of its Board of Directors
Former CEO of NPS Pharma brings strong biotech expertise to further accelerate GEn1E's development and commercialization of dual signal modulators as novel precision therapies
PALO ALTO, Calif., Dec. 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- GEn1E Lifesciences (GEn1E), a clinical-stage, Phase 2 company, focused on accelerating novel therapies for inflammatory and rare diseases using machine learning, is pleased to announce the appointment of François Nader, MD, MBA as chair of its Board of Directors, effective immediately.
"We are thrilled to welcome François to GEn1E's Board of Directors as Chair," said Ritu Lal, PhD, CEO and Co-founder of GEn1E Lifesciences. "François' deep expertise in biopharmaceutical innovation, strategic leadership, and rare diseases aligns perfectly with our mission to develop novel therapies for patients suffering from inflammatory and rare diseases. His transformational guidance will be invaluable as we continue to accelerate our pipeline to bring precision therapies to patients in need."
"We are entering a pivotal time for treating inflammatory and rare diseases, and I'm excited to support GEn1E as it pioneers innovative therapies that could redefine patient care," said Dr. Nader. "I look forward to collaborating with Ritu and the GEn1E team to fully harness the potential of precision signal modulators and to accelerate the company's pipeline in addressing devastating diseases for patients."
Dr. Nader currently serves as an Independent Board Director at Moderna and Ring Therapeutics, and Senior Advisor at Blackstone Life Sciences. Dr. Nader is the Chairman of and serves on the Board of Trustees for the Lebanese American University.
Dr. Nader brings 30+ years of experience in the life sciences industry, including a highly successful tenure at NPS Pharmaceuticals as President and CEO where he led the company through a period of remarkable growth and achievement, culminating in its acquisition by Shire Pharmaceuticals for $5.2 billion. Formerly, François served as a chair or director of the Board of several public and private companies including chairman for Acceleron Pharma (acquired by Merck for $11.5B), and member of the Board for Alexion Pharmaceuticals (acquired by AstraZeneca for $39B) and Baxalta (acquired by Shire for $32B).
Dr. Nader earned his French Doctorate in Medicine from St. Joseph University (Lebanon) and his Physician Executive MBA from the University of Tennessee.
About GEn1E Lifesciences:
GEn1E Lifesciences is a clinical-stage, Phase 2 company accelerating novel, dual signal modulator precision therapies for rare and inflammatory diseases. GEn1E Lifesciences is based in Palo Alto, California, with a laboratory in Mountain View, California.
GEn1E has developed a well-differentiated "Platform-in-a-Mechanism" drug development model that uses AI which spans the entire end-to-end drug development cycle. The company has accelerated several milestones to build a portfolio of 21+ novel Dual Signal Modulators across two targets, which are actively being developed as first-in-class therapies for rare and inflammatory diseases with lead compound in Phase 2 currently enrolling patients in the US.
For more information on GEn1E, visit and follow GEn1E on LinkedIn.
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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