Mavenir and Boost Mobile Achieve Industry-First Validation and Commercial In-Service for Inter-Vendo
Open RAN solutions connected via a 3GPP Xn interface within Boost Mobile's 5G infrastructure for seamless mobility
Boost Mobile's customers experience uninterrupted and consistent service in areas using mixed Open RAN vendors
RICHARDSON, Texas, Dec. 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Mavenir and Boost Mobile (formerly DISH Wireless) announce the industry first inter-vendor Open RAN handover using the 3GPP Xn interface, across the Boost Mobile Network. This milestone demonstrates the seamless interoperability between different Open RAN (O-RAN) radio vendors, a critical proof point that O-RAN is not only viable but thriving in real-world deployments.
The Xn interface, as defined by 3GPP for 5G NR, facilitates communication between RAN nodes from different vendors, ensuring uninterrupted call continuity and a smooth user experience. RAN with proprietary interfaces constrain operators to rely on single-source networks confined to regional deployments. The Xn interface allows for the interconnection of both open and closed RAN nodes, promoting greater interoperability and vendor flexibility across the same region.
The validation achieved by Mavenir, a third-party radio vendor and Boost Mobile highlights the maturity in 3GPP and O-RAN and the possibilities in achieving a truly multi-vendor environment. By leveraging open interfaces and smooth interoperability, the O-RAN technology ensures that mobile devices can switch smoothly between different network components without affecting user experience. Boost Mobile's customers can enjoy uninterrupted service and consistent connectivity, as the network is proven to handle mobility transitions between different O-RAN vendor solutions seamlessly, without any disruption.
The successful implementation of inter-vendor handover exemplifies the value of open interfaces and the potential of Open RAN architecture. This demonstrates how open interfaces facilitate the flexibility in choosing and integrating components from multiple vendors, reducing single-source dependency, lowering costs and accelerating network advancements through rapid interoperability and vendor collaboration. Mavenir and Boost Mobile's role in this milestone, not only highlights industry leadership in Open RAN solutions, but reinforces their commitment to delivering superior connectivity solutions that enhance user experiences.
“At Boost Mobile, we believe in the power of Open RAN to drive innovation and enhance customer experience,” said Eben Albertyn, Chief Technology Officer, Boost Mobile. “By embracing open standards and interoperability, we, along with the help of Mavenir and the other third-party radio vendor, are not just building a more flexible network; we're paving the way for a connected future where every customer can enjoy seamless connectivity across the Boost Mobile Network.”
“This achievement marks a significant milestone in the evolution of Open RAN, made possible through the collaboration with Boost Mobile,” said Pardeep Kohli, President, Chief Executive Officer, Mavenir. “By enabling seamless inter-vendor handovers, Mavenir is showcasing how Open RAN delivers flexible, cost-effective, and interoperable networks. This milestone underscores our commitment to empowering operators to build vendor-agnostic networks, ensuring scalable, high-quality connectivity for their customers.”
About Mavenir
Mavenir is building the future of networks today with cloud-native, AI-enabled solutions which are green by design, empowering operators to realize the benefits of 5G and achieve intelligent, automated, programmable networks. As the pioneer of Open RAN and a proven industry disruptor, Mavenir's award-winning solutions are delivering automation and monetization across mobile networks globally, accelerating software network transformation for 300+ Communications Service Providers in over 120 countries, which serve more than 50% of the world's subscribers. For more information, please visit
Mavenir PR Contacts:
Emmanuela Spiteri
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