Introducing babybubble: A Revolutionary NEW Parenting App Combining Expert Advice with Real-World Ve
Created to deliver expert reviewed & qualified insights for women, including insight into challenges often overlooked; babybubble redefines motherhood guidance with a simple, evidence-backed approach
TORONTO, Dec. 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- babybubble, a transformative community-based app sets itself apart from traditional advice-driven parenting apps by delivering hand-picked, expert-reviewed guidance based on real-life experiences from moms who have faced similar challenges firsthand. Unlike forums that can often overwhelm expectant and new moms, babybubble curates the most crucial, often-overlooked insights that can truly make a difference. Created by moms for moms, babybubble combines professional expertise with global, real-world wisdom to provide reliable, practical support for every stage of motherhood—from conception and pregnancy to newborn care and toddler development.
Founded by Anna Stålberg Halling, a certified sleep coach and a licensed pediatric nurse with years of experience, and international startup maven and mom Paula Dahlström, babybubble addresses often under-discussed aspects of motherhood by inviting women around the world to share their experiences.
"Through our own experiences, we have seen how certain crucial aspects of fertility, pregnancy, and motherhood are often overlooked or underestimated," says Dahlström. "babybubble is like your best friend, someone who has travelled the world, collected and applied everything she has learned into one unbelievable resource. Our goal is to create a trusted space where moms can find both expert information and real-life perspectives, from a trusted source."
A Vision to Empower Moms Everywhere
babybubble offers carefully curated content on topics such as fertility, pregnancy, and child development, all vetted by a certified pediatric nurse to ensure safety and accuracy. Moms using babybubble can feel confident that the information they receive is clear, concise, and unbiased, and the ad-free platform helps focus attention on the information provided.
“We know that motherhood can sometimes feel isolating, especially when you face challenges that aren't commonly discussed,” adds Dahlström. “With babybubble, we prioritize the value of firsthand experience and want to make sure every mom, whether it's her first or fifth child, has access to the information she needs and the support of a community that understands her unique journey. We believe that every mother holds valuable insights that can help others, and having half a million downloads to date, moms seem to agree.”
Recently hitting half a million downloads, babybubble is currently available in English, Spanish, Bengali, Hindi and Swedish, with translation in Urdu underway, making the app even more accessible globally. To learn more, download the ad-free app and join a community dedicated to raising healthy, happy children.
For more information about babybubble and to download the app, please visit
Media Contact
Katherine Doak | 647-465-4605 |
About babybubble
babybubble is a leading parenting app designed to support new and expecting mothers in their journey from pregnancy through the early years of child development. With tailored resources, and expert advice, babybubble offers an all-in-one platform that empowers women to make informed decisions for their child's well-being. Our user-friendly, data protected interface and comprehensive tools, including feeding schedules, sleep tracking, growth monitoring, and a supportive community, make babybubble the go-to resource for mothers. Committed to fostering a positive parenting experience, babybubble continues to innovate and bring personalized support to families everywhere.
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