The Inaugural MICHELIN Guide Doha 2025 selection is launched today
DOHA, Qatar, Dec. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The inaugural MICHELIN Guide Doha 2025 was launched at a ceremony in Raffles Doha, recommending 33 establishments in its first edition.
“We are delighted to announce The MICHELIN Guide’s arrival in Qatar with our first Guide to Doha,” said Gwendal Poullennec, International Director of the MICHELIN Guide. “Our famously anonymous Inspectors have explored and experienced the city’s restaurants and their cuisines from all around the world and have selected the very best, across all price ranges and styles.”
Two establishments, Jamavar and IDAM by Alain Ducasse, received One MICHELIN Star each for their exceptional culinary experiences.
Jamavar, led by Chef Debdash Balaga, showcases refined Indian cuisine, while IDAM, under Chef Fabrice Rosso, combines Alain Ducasse’s signature style with Qatari influences.
Four restaurants earned the Bib Gourmand award for offering excellent quality at great value. These include Isaan, specializing in Thai cuisine with three open kitchens; Jiwan, known for its modern reinterpretations of Qatari dishes; Argan, offering authentic Moroccan flavors; and Hoppers, focusing on Sri Lankan and South Indian specialties.
Additionally, three Special Awards were presented:
- Young Chef Award: Sirijan Saelee of Isaan, recognized for her skillful leadership and diverse Thai menu.
- Service Award: Paulo Bastos and his team at Morimoto, acknowledged for their outstanding hospitality.
- Exceptional Cocktails Award: Robi Ratan at IDAM, praised for innovative mocktails that enhance the dining experience.
The selection highlights Doha’s vibrant culinary scene, encompassing diverse cuisines and price ranges.
The MICHELIN Guide Worldwide app for iOS and Android devices.
Instagram: @MichelinGuide
About Michelin
Michelin is building a world-leading manufacturer of life-changing composites and experiences. Pioneering engineered materials for more than 130 years, Michelin is uniquely positioned to make decisive contributions to human progress and to a more sustainable world. Drawing on its deep know-how in polymer composites, Michelin is constantly innovating to manufacture high-quality tires and components for critical applications in demanding fields as varied as mobility, construction, aeronautics, low-carbon energies, and healthcare. The care placed in its products and deep customer knowledge inspire Michelin to offer the finest experiences. This spans from providing data- and AI-based connected solutions for professional fleets to recommending outstanding restaurants and hotels curated by the MICHELIN Guide. (
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