NIKE, Inc. & NFL Extend Long-Standing Partnership Through 2038
Renewed partnership to emphasize global expansion, player safety and youth football initiatives
NIKE, Inc. (NYSE: NKE) and the National Football League (NFL) today announced a landmark 10-year partnership extension, cementing their commitment to shaping the future of football and driving growth, innovation, and progress across the sport.
Building on 12 years of successful collaboration as the exclusive provider of uniforms and sideline, practice and baselayer apparel for all 32 NFL teams, Nike is poised to elevate its partnership to new heights. With a relentless pursuit of innovation and a deep understanding of the unique needs of NFL players, Nike will deliver cutting-edge, high-performance products that adapt to the evolving demands of the game’s elite athletes. As a result, the partnership will not only shape the future of the sport but also drive a new era of excellence in football – fostering a global, inclusive, and safer environment for football players of all levels to thrive.
"This partnership renewal is a testament to the strength and success of our collaboration with the NFL. As we embark on this new chapter, we're committed to co-creating cutting-edge solutions that meet the rapidly changing needs of NFL athletes and fans, while fueling the league's growth and development initiatives,” said Elliott Hill, President & CEO of NIKE, Inc.
Key Initiatives of the Nike-NFL Partnership:
- Global Expansion: Nike and the NFL will work together to grow the game’s global reach, increasing participation, developing new talent, and expanding the football fan base.
- Player Health and Safety Commitment: Nike and the NFL will leverage Nike’s Sport Research Lab and product design and innovation expertise to address lower extremity injuries and enhance footwear safety.
- Football Development: Nike will continue to empower the next generation of athletes and grow the sport by supporting grassroots, high school and collegiate level development programs across both flag and tackle football.
- Storytelling and Fan Engagement: The partnership will bring football’s most compelling narratives to life, connecting with fans in new and innovative ways through Nike’s unparalleled marketing and storytelling expertise.
“Nike has been an invaluable partner since 2012 and we couldn’t be more excited to have them onboard for years to come,” said NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell. “In addition to their products and services for our clubs, players, or fans, Nike is a strategic partner who will help us grow football internationally, support youth football and make advances in player safety. The renewal of this partnership will truly have a lasting impact on the game of football at all levels both here in the United States and around the world.”
Nike and the NFL are committed to finding solutions for athletes who are currently playing the game while simultaneously building a safer, better sport for the next generation. This renewed agreement demonstrates the strength and commitment of both organizations to work together to drive growth, innovation and fan engagement.
About NIKE, Inc.
NIKE, Inc., based near Beaverton, Oregon, is the world's leading designer, marketer and distributor of authentic athletic footwear, apparel, equipment and accessories for a wide variety of sports and fitness activities. Converse, a wholly-owned NIKE, Inc. subsidiary brand, designs, markets and distributes athletic lifestyle footwear, apparel and accessories. For more information, visit and follow @NIKE.
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