At EuroEcho, Ebit (Esaote Group) presents the world premiere of ZEfiRO, the new “cloud-native” PACS
With its adoption of “zero-footprint” technology, ZEfiRO guarantees clinician and operators immediacy and usability in reading images wherever they are, with a positive impact on the management of diagnosis and treatment
BERLIN and GENOA, Italy, Dec. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- EBIT s.r.l., the Esaote Group company that leads the Information Technology sector in the Healthcare field, is presenting the world premiere at EuroEcho (Berlin, December 11-13, 2024) of SUITESTENSA ZEfiRO.
The new “cloud-native” PACS with diagnostic viewer for the SUITESTENSA platform brings together 25 years of experience in the Enterprise Imaging sector with the most advanced “zero-footprint” (ZFP) technology, guaranteeing doctors and operators a combination of functionality, immediacy and ergonomics in reading images wherever they are, with a positive impact on the management of diagnosis and treatment.
SUITESTENSA ZEfiRO is designed and built from a “multi-vendor” perspective and provides extreme flexibility for easy scalability of workloads, ensuring the utmost performance and optimization of resources in any environment it is used in, from small diagnostic centers to the most complex Diagnostic Imaging networks.
Thanks to ZFP Technology, the system allows access from any computer in the hospital and even enables clinicians to review diagnostic tests from a tablet or smartphone and take new measurements at the patient's bedside or in emergencies, such as in emergency room or operating room care. It goes as far as imagining the possibility of application in tele-consultation while maintaining a rigid approach oriented towards cybersecurity and patient privacy.
SUITESTENSA ZEfiRO represents a step change in Diagnostic Imaging management systems, courtesy of a reduction in image loading and processing times and the modern, ergonomic interface that adapts to the light in the surrounding environment. Particularly innovative is the option to easily customize the system interface without modifying the entire system, protocols, menu and measurement tools, extending to integration with advanced 3D image processing systems and artificial intelligence.
“This new design philosophy introduced by EBIT, presented today at EuroEcho in its cardiology version, represents a major revolution for doctors and operators in the management of the diagnosis and treatment of cardiology patients, both for outpatients and in interventions,” stated Sandro Ubbiali, Director of Product Management at EBIT s.r.l. “In general, we offer cardiologists the opportunity to devote themselves fully to the diagnosis and treatment of patients, with full and immediate access to all relevant data. For EBIT, cardiology is of strategic importance, and in this context SUITESTENSA ZEfiRO represents the final piece in the jigsaw, drawing on the great experience gained working in contact with the most important European centers to complete the journey of generational renewal of its SUITESTENSA CVIS platform."
EBIT, Esaote Group (updated June 2024)
EBIT s.r.l is the Esaote Group company specialized in Medical Information Technology, focusing on the design, development, distribution, and sale of diagnostic imaging management systems on the Italian and international markets. The Ebit platform guarantees interdisciplinary administration of data, linking them to vertical management of diagnostic processes in radiology, interventional, nuclear medicine, radiotherapy, cardiology (hemodynamics, echocardiography, electrophysiology, ECG, check-up), and cardiac surgery according to a “patient-centric” approach of prevention, diagnosis, therapy, treatment, and follow-up.
Mariangela Dellepiane, Head of Communications and External Relations cell: +393351289783
Fede Gardella, Press Office +393358308666 –
© Copyright Esaote 2024
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