Värde Promotes Shannon Gallagher and Tony Iannazzo to Partner
NEW YORK and LONDON, March 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Värde Partners, a leading global alternative investment firm specializing in credit and credit-related assets, today announced the promotions of Shannon Gallagher and Tony Iannazzo to Partner. In addition to joining the firm’s partnership, Shannon will now serve as Global Head of Business Development and Investor Relations and Tony will serve as Chief Operating Officer.
“We are proud to announce the promotions of Shannon and Tony to our partnership, which reflect Värde's commitment to cultivating and rewarding our world-class talent,” said Brad Bauer, Co-CEO and Co-CIO of Värde Partners. “Shannon and Tony exemplify the values we hold dear, demonstrating a strong work ethic and excellent leadership capabilities as well as an unwavering commitment to our investors.”
“Värde's success depends on the strength of our people, and during their time at Värde, Shannon and Tony have been catalysts for growth and innovation across our firm,” added Co-CEO and Co-CIO Ilfryn Carstairs. "We are excited to continue to benefit from their leadership and operational expertise as we seek to drive sustained value for our investors.”
This year, Värde has recognized the outstanding contributions of around 20 team members with promotions across various departments and global offices.
About Värde Partners
Värde Partners is a leading global alternative investment firm specializing in credit and credit-related assets. Founded in 1993, the firm has invested more than $100 billion across the credit quality and liquidity spectrum in both public and private markets. Värde currently manages approximately $13 billion in assets with teams in North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific focused on Corporate & Traded Credit, Real Estate, and Financial Services & Diversified Private Credit. For more information, please visit www.varde.com.
Media Contact
Värde Partners Communications
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