Brains Bioceutical Expands Industry-Leading Cannabinoid Offering with D9-THC and CBN, Unveiling New
BSPG Laboratories
Brains Bioceutical Corps. wholly-owned subsidiary BSPG Laboratories in Sandwich Kent
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Dec. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Brains Bioceutical Corp. (Brains Bio), a global leader in natural, GMP-compliant cannabinoid Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs), announces the expansion of its industry-leading offering. Cannabinol (CBN) is available as an EU-GMP certified API, D9-Tetrahydrocanabinol (THC) is in a solid crystalline form, undergoing enhanced stability optimization work and final validation work is being undertaken on Cannabigerol (CBG).
These new additions complement Brains Bio's current portfolio, with the CBD API being used in over 30 clinical and pre-clinical studies, including a completed Phase III Refractory Epilepsy Study – submitted for Marketing Authorisation - and a Phase II Opioid Use Disorder Study. With immediate global sample distribution, Brains Bio unlocks new avenues for clinical research, product development, and therapeutic innovation.
Unveiling the Next Wave of Cannabinoid-Based Therapies
Brains Bio's expanded portfolio reflects the company's dedication to the development of cannabinoids for pharmaceutical research and development. Their offerings include formulated products and APIs compliant with the Ph. Eur. Monograph and ICH Q7 requirements, designed to support regulatory-approvable clinical programs targeting critical unmet medical needs. These APIs, with potential applications for a wide range of therapeutic uses, including neurological disorders, chronic pain, and inflammatory conditions, are poised to drive groundbreaking clinical advancements.
Building on Existing Success Stories
The pharmaceutical industry has already witnessed the successful integration of cannabinoid-based medications. Several FDA- and EMA-approved drugs showcase significant clinical benefits, including:
- Epidiolex (CBD): An oral solution for treating epileptic seizures associated with Lennox-Gastaut and Dravet syndromes (FDA/ EMA-approved).
- Marinol & Syndros (Dronabinol): Formulations for chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, and AIDS-related anorexia (FDA/EMA-approved).
- Sativex (CBD/THC): A treatment for spasticity in MS and other neurological conditions (EMA-approved).
These successes highlight the therapeutic potential of cannabinoid-based therapies and their growing acceptance within the medical community. with Brains Bio remaining dedicated to advancing the scientific understanding of cannabinoids.
“A Milestone for the Pharmaceutical Industry”
"The introduction of high-quality CBN API, D9 THC and CBG is a landmark moment for Brains Bio, and for the entire pharmaceutical industry," said Ricky Brar, CEO and Chairperson of Brains Bioceutical Corp. "These products empower researchers and drug developers to push the boundaries of cannabinoid science, accelerating the delivery of transformative therapies to patients worldwide. This achievement reflects our unwavering commitment to providing APIs that meet the highest standards of safety, quality, and consistency."
A Market Poised for Growth
The Global Cannabinoid Derived Pharmaceutical Market Research Report 2024 projects a significant rise, from $884.3 million in 2021 to $4.87 billion by 2034 (CAGR of 13.4%). This surge reflects the increasing recognition of cannabinoid therapies' effectiveness in addressing a wide range of medical conditions.
Brains Bio's API portfolio represents the next frontier, providing pharmaceutical innovators with a robust and compliant ingredient to expedite the development of regulatory-approved cannabinoid-based treatments.
Requesting Samples and Inquiries
Brains Bioceutical Corp.'s THC and CBN API are now available for sample distribution. For inquiries and further information, pharmaceutical companies and research organizations can contact the company at
About Brains Bioceutical Corp.
Brains Bioceutical Corp. is a global leader in developing and manufacturing natural cannabinoid APIs for the pharmaceutical industry. Their focus on advancing cannabinoid research translates into innovative solutions that address critical unmet medical needs, transforming the future of medicine.
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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