"The Painting of Special Cu" opening ceremony: Ignite the light of hope
In the magical and beautiful land of Yunnan, a public welfare inspirational film called "The Painting of Tecu" was officially launched and its filming journey began. This film is not only Yunnan's second public welfare inspirational film, but also uses the power of art to convey hopes and dreams, bringing profound thoughts and insights to many audiences.
The atmosphere at the opening ceremony was warm and solemn, as if everyone present felt the deep emotions and strong beliefs contained in the movie. Guests, film production teams and media reporters from all walks of life gathered together to witness this important moment.
At the ceremony, the director first delivered a passionate speech. His words are full of love for movies and expectations for the future. He said that "The Painting of Tecu" is not only a movie, but also a story about persistence and struggle. This film will use real and touching stories to show people's tenacity and bravery in the face of difficulties, hoping to inspire more people to bravely pursue their dreams.
Later, the movie's leading actors also appeared on stage. They shared their understanding and feelings about the characters and expressed that they would go all out to present a wonderful work to the audience. Their enthusiasm and determination infected everyone present and made people full of expectations for this movie.
During the ceremony, a special video was played. This video reviews the success of Yunnan's first public welfare inspirational film, showing the warmth and power conveyed by the film. At the same time, exciting clips of "The Painting of Tecu" were also displayed, making people look forward to the release of this movie even more.
Finally, under the witness of everyone, the film's creative team jointly started the shooting equipment, marking the official entry into the filming stage of "The Painting of Tetu". At this moment, the audience burst into warm applause and cheers, as if applauding the success of the film.
The opening ceremony of "The Painting of Tecu" is not only a simple opening ceremony, but also a grand event that ignites the light of hope. This film will use the power of art to convey hopes and dreams, and bring profound thoughts and insights to many audiences. It makes us believe that as long as we have dreams, persistence, and courage, we will be able to overcome all difficulties and realize our own value in life.
In the future filming process, the production team of "The Painting of Tecu" will continue to work hard to present a wonderful film to the audience. We are looking forward to the release of this movie and to the more touching and enlightening it will bring to us. At the same time, we also believe that "The Painting of Tecu" will become a public welfare and inspirational film with far-reaching influence, bringing hope and courage to more people.
总编辑: 李发海 苏桂如
Chief Editor: Li Fahai Su Guiru
编辑:侯国艳 卓玛
Editor: Hou Guoyan Zhuoma
Reporter: Yang Xin
易使馆:晏德武 周粉竹 纪学芬
Yi embassy: Yan Dewu Zhou Fenzhu Ji Xuefen
Translator:Jennifer chilando
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