Vista Celebrates 20 Years Winning Awards for Service, Safety, and Operational Excellence in Every Co
Vista Celebrates 20 Years
Winning Awards for Service, Safety, and Operational Excellence
A testament to the company’s scale and influence on global business aviation
New York, December 18, 2024: Vista, the world’s first and only global private aviation group, proudly marks two decades of redefining the private aviation experience. From its inception, Vista has been committed to reshaping private travel, blending innovation, operational excellence, and complete dedication to its Members.
“From day one, our goal has been to reimagine business aviation—not as a commodity for few aircraft owners, but as a solution that provides efficiency, safety, and exceptional service to leaders across the entire world.” said Matteo Atti, Chief Marketing Officer at Vista. “These recognitions are a testament to the power of vision, an incredible team, and our commitment to create an exceptional Member experience to lead the next 20 years.”
Vista, including its affiliated operators, have been honored with numerous recent accolades from prestigious institutions, further cementing Vista’s status and influence in the private aviation sector. Among them:
- Best Private Aviation Company Award1 — Awarded to the finest in the global luxury sector, recognized for its leadership in premium flying experiences.
- Best of the Best Award2 — For setting the benchmark in private aviation cuisine.
- Best Charter Operator Award3 — For the 6th consecutive year.
- Nomination4 across five more categories, including:
- Safety Champion Award — For upholding exemplary safety practices across a fleet covering 96% of the globe.
- Green Champion Award — For sustainable practices and environmentally conscious initiatives.
- Most Innovative Company Award — For continuous creativity in enhancing client-centric experiences.
- Trailblazer of the Year Award — For leading the Women in Aviation initiative.
- Best Charter Brokerage Award — For expanding the network of operating partners joining its platform.
- Verified Air Travel Award Nomination5 — Selected by Forbes Travel Guide's experts, the award recognizes the best and is renowned for the integrity and objectivity of their 66-year-old Star Ratings system, ensuring credibility and relevance.
- Wyvern Wingman® Certified6 — Awarded to operators who adhere to one of the most rigorous safety practices in private aviation.
- ARGUS International Platinum Rated7 — Awarded to operators who demonstrate the highest level of safety and quality standards.
- Certified™ Great Place To Work®8 — Highlighting a culture of innovation, collaboration and inclusivity, validated by employee feedback.
At the heart of Vista’s achievements is its diverse and passionate team of over 4,000 aviation and technology professionals representing more than 60 nationalities. This collective expertise has enabled Vista to set new industry benchmarks and shape the future of private aviation.
As Vista looks ahead to the next chapter, its focus remains on expanding its global presence, driving innovation and maintaining its reputation for excellence. With two decades of accomplishments as a foundation, Vista is poised to continue transforming luxury travel for generations to come.
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About Vista
Vista Global Holding Limited (Vista) is the world’s leading global business aviation company providing worldwide business flight services through its network of subsidiaries and a team of over 4,000 experts. A global group headquartered in Dubai, Vista integrates a unique portfolio of companies to offer asset free services to cover all key aspects of business aviation, including guaranteed and on demand global flight coverage, subscription and membership solutions, and trading and management services.
Innovating the industry for 20 years through continuous investment in talent, technology, and infrastructure, Vista’s mission is to provide the most advanced flying services at the very best value — anytime, anywhere around the world.
Vista’s extensive industry expertise enables it to deliver comprehensive end-to-end solutions and technology to meet the needs of business aviation clients around the world. These services are offered through its leading brands, including VistaJet and XO.
More Vista information and news at
“Vista” is a trade name for Vista Global Holding Limited. Vista does not operate any aircraft. All flights are performed by properly licensed operators, which may include subsidiaries such as VistaJet Limited or VistaJet GmbH. Vista also holds a non-controlling minority stake in FAA-licensed and DOT registered US direct air carriers XOJET Aviation LLC (DBA Vista America), Red Wing Aeroplane LLC (DBA Vista America), Western Air Charter, Inc. (DBA Vista America), Jet Select, LLC (DBA Vista America), and Talon Air LLC.
1 By Robb Report Hong Kong
2 By Robb Report
3 By Asian Business Aviation Association Icons of Aviation
4 By Asian Business Aviation Association Icons of Aviation
5 By Forbes Travel Guide
6 By Wyvern
7 VistaJet Limited has been issued with a Platinum rating since the first ARGUS audit in 2010.
8 Source: Great Place To Work® U.S. National Employee Engagement Study
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