Mavenir and Spry Fox Networks (SFN) Announce Strategic Partnership to Accelerate API Monetization in
Communication Service Providers (CSPs) can now rapidly deploy a comprehensive GSMA Open Gateway based platform by leveraging a pre-integrated solution that combines Mavenir's Digital Enablement (MDE) Portfolio and Spry Fox Networks' QP Cloud MONET. This powerful combination provides CSPs with end-to-end API monetization capabilities, enabling them to quickly capitalize on new revenue streams.
RICHARDSON, Texas, Dec. 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Mavenir, the cloud-native network infrastructure provider building the future of networks, and Spry Fox Networks (SFN), a pioneer in API monetization and network exposure, today announced a strategic partnership aimed at transforming the way Communication Service Providers (CSPs) can monetize their networks and offer innovative API-driven services to aggregators, hyperscalers, and application service providers.
Through this partnership, Mavenir’s robust, next-generation telecom offerings – including Core, and Mavenir Digital Enablement (MDE) 1 Business Support System (BSS), Product Catalog, Converged Charging solutions, Partner Management, and Digital Marketplace – will be integrated with SFN’s advanced API monetization platform, enabling CSPs to unlock new revenue streams by exposing and monetizing their network services. This joint solution allows CSPs to manage the entire lifecycle of network-based API services – from onboarding and exposure to monetization, analytics, and monitoring, while maintaining full control over access and usage.
Key Highlights of the Partnership:
- GSMA-Certified Open GW: SFN’s QP Cloud MONET (QPCM) is the first Channel Partner Solution to become certified with Open Gateway API Certification, providing out-of-the-box implementation of several CAMARA and Custom APIs. QPCM is specifically designed to enable MNOs and MVNOs to monetize their networks in the quickest possible time. QPCM is built with security and privacy protection at its core and supports all the Authorisation flows defined in CAMARA.
- Pre-Integrated API Monetization Stack: Mavenir’s Digital Enablement portfolio provides pre-integrated BSS, Charging, Mediation, Partner Management, Billing, and Settlement capabilities for monetization of APIs exposed via QPCM. This significantly reduces the time to launch and fully monetize new API products by providing an out-of-the-box workflow for lead-to-order and order-to-cash using pay-per-use, subscription, tiered, SLA-based charging models for customers and partners – including Developers, Consumers, Enterprises, and Aggregators.
- Network Capability Exposure: Mavenir’s Combo NEF/SCEF (Network Exposure Function and Service Capability Exposure Function) provides exposure of standard defined network APIs to third-party applications via QPCM. NEF/SCEF, when combined with Mavenir’s full Core solutions (Packet Core, IMS, and Messaging), offers significant advantages and delivers faster time-to-market for a wide variety of Open GW APIs.
- Fastest time-to-market for Open GW APIs: The combined and pre-integrated solution offers the fastest and most risk-free approach for CSPs to launch CAMARA/Open GW APIs. The out-of-the-box approach aims to offer an adjunct solution for CSPs that can open new revenue streams with API monetization without disrupting their existing Network and BSS/OSS/IT ecosystem.
“We’re excited to partner with Spry Fox Networks to offer our customers an integrated solution that simplifies the exposure and monetization of network services,” said Sandeep Singh, SVP, GM, Digital Business Enablement at Mavenir. “This collaboration will enable CSPs to unlock new revenue potential, drive business agility, and meet the growing demand for innovative, API-driven services in the telecommunications industry.”
Jignesh Sorathia, Head 5G, Spry Fox Networks, added, “Together with Mavenir and its industry-leading MDE portfolio, we’re providing a powerful platform for CSPs to open up their networks in a controlled, secure, and profitable way. Our combined expertise will help CSPs move towards a more flexible, API-first model, supporting a wide range of verticals, including 5G, IoT, and beyond.”
The partnership aims to accelerate digital transformation for CSPs, enabling them to evolve in a rapidly changing telecommunications landscape and seize opportunities in the growing API economy.
About Spry Fox Networks (SFN):
Spry Fox Networks (SFN) excels in delivering comprehensive wireless network solutions, with a particular emphasis on Network APIs that leverage the GSMA Open Gateway framework to empower Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) and Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs) to effectively monetize their networks.
SFN's innovative and agile Telco API solution solves challenges across multiple business verticals such as fintech, ad-tech, media & broadcasting and automotive.
About Mavenir:
Mavenir is building the future of networks today with cloud-native, AI-enabled solutions which are green by design, empowering operators to realize the benefits of 5G and achieve intelligent, automated, programmable networks. As the pioneer of Open RAN and a proven industry disruptor, Mavenir’s award-winning solutions are delivering automation and monetization across mobile networks globally, accelerating software network transformation for 300+ Communications Service Providers in over 120 countries, which serve more than 50% of the world’s subscribers. For more information, please visit
Mavenir PR Contact:
Emmanuela Spiteri
1 MDE is also the monetization engine behind Mavenir's inhouse OpenGW solution for Mavenir customers who use larger Mavenir ecosystem solutions.
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