HYCU® Unveils Significant Updates to HYCU R-Cloud™ That Provide Seamless Data Mobility Across Clouds
Customers Gain Flexibility to Ensure Data is on the Right Hybrid or Public Cloud at the Right Price Point with Zero Risk
Boston, Massachusetts, Dec. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- HYCU, Inc., a leader for modern data protection for on-prem, cloud services, and SaaS, and one of the fastest growing companies in the industry, announced the expansion of HYCU R-Cloud™ to deliver protected data mobility for databases and applications running both in on-premises infrastructure and in public clouds. This allows customers to have application and database consistent workloads being migrated to the right on-prem hypervisor or public cloud infrastructure of choice. Since typically 40% of the moves from one cloud or service to another results in a repatriation or move to a different infrastructure, customers need to plan a holistic strategy and eliminate unnecessary hardware or software tools. With the ability to protect and move data across platforms that now includes Azure Local (formerly Azure Stack HCI), HYCU has the broadest coverage of infrastructure that includes AWS, AWS GovCloud, Azure, Azure Gov Cloud, Google Cloud, Nutanix, VMware and many more.
According to a Gartner Report, “Through 2028, disruptions in the server virtualization market will result in more than 60% of enterprises accelerating their public cloud migrations and exploring revirtualization of virtual workloads.1” When coupled with additional research that indicates on average a third of IT leaders are challenged with both applications and data when migrating data to public cloud, the need to address these challenges has never been greater.
“As technology continues to transform organizations at a rapid pace, our customers are being forced to look at new ways to adopt technologies and platforms at an accelerated pace. This is further exacerbated by the change in industry consolidation and tremendous cost pressures that customers need to address. To counter this, customers need to make sure their applications and key data workloads are set up in such a way to be quickly mobile so they are able to take advantage of the right platform at the right price point,” said Simon Taylor, Founder and CEO, HYCU, Inc. “With HYCU, our customers now have the ultimate freedom to choose the infrastructure that best suits their needs, be it on-premises, in the cloud, or on a SaaS or cloud service of their choice. We are freeing applications from infrastructure lock-in!”
With the latest HYCU R-Cloud enhancements and updates, customers and partners now can rapidly migrate in an application-centric manner to, from, and between platforms like AWS, AWS GovCloud, Azure, Azure GovCloud, Azure Local, Nutanix, VMware and physical servers. This allows companies to no longer be anchored to any one single infrastructure. Customers now gain the following benefits:
- Risk-free technology adoption. Customers can avoid being trapped with one vendor or system for storing or managing their data, unlocking new infrastructure’s cost or performance benefits while retaining the ability to move quickly and without friction.
- Zero-risk, low-cost mobility. Moving workloads should not be a monumental task. HYCU allows rapid and efficient movement without planning nightmares or hefty expenses. The solution automatically discovers applications, protects them seamlessly, and prepares them for mobility—saving hundreds of hours and significant costs typically associated with such projects.
- Unified data protection, disaster recovery, and migrations. Operations are simplified by unifying backup, disaster recovery, and migration processes into a single platform. HYCU R-Cloud™ covers the entire technology stack, reducing complexity and making managing IT environments easier.
- Enterprise scale, consumer-grade simplicity. Enterprise-scale solutions do not have to be complicated. HYCU offers one-click operations for protection, recovery, mobility, and more. It is a powerful technology with a user-friendly approach, allowing teams to focus on what matters most.
- Protect data every step of the way. Data loss is not an option. HYCU provides purpose-built data protection before, during, and after any infrastructure changes. With native, agentless backup and disaster recovery, application-centric protection is maintained, always keeping data safe.
- Free up budget and resources: By placing workloads in their most suited locations, HYCU helps free up budget and resources. This flexibility allows reinvestment in areas that drive growth and innovation, such as:
- Adopting new technologies like AI or automation
- Enhancing cybersecurity measures to safeguard data
- Training teams to handle new tools and technologies
- Supporting business expansion into new markets or services
- Zero barriers to technology adoption. HYCU R-Cloud removes obstacles to fully adopting a hybrid multi-cloud environment. Workloads can run where they perform best. It provides the flexibility to innovate and stay ahead in a rapidly changing tech landscape.
“It is not unheard of for companies to need tens of thousands of dollars to move a large VM across platforms. There is one enterprise I know that was told the cost to move one VM would be approximately $90,000 due to its size. That enterprise also needed to move many thousands of VMs which quickly became a cost prohibitive exercise,” said Jerome Wendt, Founder and Principal, DCIG. “At a time when IT departments are tasked to do far more with less, being locked-in because they have no cost-effective, pain free migration option in today’s hybrid world makes no sense. This makes what HYCU has done so much more impressive. Its ability to seamlessly, and securely move data with minimal to no need for additional services or without extraneous hardware or software stands out. Further, HYCU performs migrations in an application consistent manner thereby helping organizations retain control of their applications and workloads in their hybrid IT environment.”
For more information on the latest enhancements to HYCU R-Cloud, visit:www.hycu.com, follow us on X (formerly Twitter), connect with us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
[1] Gartner, “2025 Planning Guide for Cloud, Data Center and Edge Infrastructure, Gartner, October 14, 2024
About HYCU
HYCU is the fastest-growing leader in the multi-cloud and SaaS data protection as a service industry. By bringing true SaaS-based data backup and recovery to on-premises, cloud-native, and SaaS IT environments, the company provides unrivaled data protection, migration, disaster recovery, and ransomware protection to thousands of companies worldwide. The company's award-winning R-Cloud platform eliminates complexity, risk, and the high cost of legacy-based solutions, providing data protection simplicity to make it the#1 SaaS Data Protection platform. With an industry leading NPS score of 91, HYCU has raised $140M in VC funding to date and is based in Boston, Mass. Learn more at www.hycu.com.
Don Jennings HYCU, Inc. 617-791-1710 don.jennings@hycu.com
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