New Repeat Orders for QUADRA High-Throughput Metrology System from Leading Semiconductor Manufacture
ROTTERDAM, Netherlands, Dec. 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Nearfield Instruments, a pioneer in advanced process control metrology solutions, is proud to announce that it has received repeat purchase orders for its flagship QUADRA High-Throughput Process Control Metrology System. This follow-up order highlights Nearfield Instruments' increasing market traction and its success in penetrating high-volume manufacturing operations.
The QUADRA system offers cutting-edge capabilities for in-line process control by Nearfield's high-throughput AFM metrology technologies that deliver highly accurate, non-destructive 3D measurements of critical semiconductor parameters. By providing real-time feedback on critical device structures, the system provides good correlation to device yield and enables manufacturers to maintain high yields and optimal performance in their production lines. QUADRA's exceptional throughput allows manufacturers to quickly and accurately analyze large numbers of devices without compromising measurement precision, ensuring both efficiency and quality in the production process.
This follow-on order from a leading semiconductor manufacturer reflects the confidence that global manufacturers are placing in the QUADRA platform as they scale to meet the demands of next-generation technologies.
“This repeat order is a clear validation of the QUADRA system's performance, both in terms of capability and expected reliability and customer support and responsiveness and its critical role in enabling high-volume manufacturing for cutting-edge semiconductor processes,” said Hamed Sadeghian, CEO of Nearfield Instruments. “It demonstrates not only the system's technical excellence but also the trust our customers place in us to support their production goals. With this new repeat orders, our order book for 2025 is fully filled and underlines Nearfield Instruments' dedication to providing innovative solutions that help manufacturers achieve new heights of efficiency and yield.”
The continued adoption of QUADRA systems by leading manufacturers further strengthens Nearfield Instruments' position as a driving force in advanced process control metrology for mass production.
About Nearfield Instruments
Nearfield Instruments is bridging the semiconductor industry's metrology and inspection challenges with in-line, non-destructive process control nanometrology solutions for advanced 3D memory and logic devices. Their groundbreaking technology combines high-resolution with high-throughput, essential for the production of advanced semiconductor nodes. Nearfield is headquartered in Rotterdam with offices in Eindhoven, The Netherlands and Pyeongtaek, South Korea.
For more information, visit
Media Contact Roland van Vliet Chief Partnership Officer Nearfield Instruments B.V.
e-mail: Telephone: +31620369741
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