OBI Pharma Enters Collaboration with GlyTech to Expand GlycOBI® Enabling Technologies Outreach in Ja
TAIPEI, Taiwan, Dec. 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- OBI Pharma, Inc. (OBI), a clinical-stage global oncology company specialized in the development of novel cancer therapies such as antibody-drug conjugates (ADC) and active immunotherapies (4174. TWO), and GlyTech, Inc. (GlyTech), a Japan manufacturer that focuses on glycan production and chemical glycosylation technologies, have entered into a Marketing Agreement and a Material Transfer Agreement.
Under the terms of the Marketing Agreement, OBI grants GlyTech rights to market and promote OBI's GlycOBI® ADC enabling technologies, powered by EndoSymeOBI®, to potential pharma and biotech partners in Japan. GlyTech will also be a key supplier of glycans in Japan. Under the terms of the Material Transfer Agreement, OBI will transfer some of its cutting-edge materials to GlyTech for research in advancing the efficient production of glycans for ADCs.
Heidi Wang, Ph.D., OBI Pharma's Chief Executive Officer, noted, “GlyTech has been one of our trusted suppliers for high quality glycans. We are excited to collaborate with GlyTech to broaden the reach of OBI's novel GlycOBI® ADC enabling technologies with potential pharma and biotech partners in Japan. We also look forward to the collaborative research with GlyTech, which is part of our plan to ensure high quality, scalable glycan manufacturing and supply for ADCs.”
Hiroaki Asai, President & CEO of GlyTech, added, “OBI Pharma's innovative GlycOBI® ADC technologies are testaments to their command of enzyme-based precision synthetic organic chemistry. GlyTech, Inc. is pleased to support the contribution of GlycOBI® ADC technologies to the world as a supplier of highly pure human glycans, a key material for this technology. We greatly look forward to OBI Pharma's continuing progress in new drug development.”
About OBI Pharma, Inc.
OBI Pharma, Inc., is a clinical stage global oncology company that is headquartered in Taiwan and established in 2002. Its mission is to develop novel cancer therapeutic agents for patients with high unmet medical needs.
Using the company's proprietary ADC enabling technologies, including but not limited to GlycOBI®, powered by EndoSymeOBI®, OBI has created its novel ADC pipeline, including OBI-992, OBI-902 and OBI-904, targeting TROP2 and Nectin-4, respectively. Additionally, the company's novel first-in-class immuno-oncology portfolio targeting Globo H includes: two Globo H active immunotherapy vaccines, adagloxad simolenin (formerly OBI-822) and OBI-833. OBI's pipeline also includes the first-in-class AKR1C3-targeted small-molecule prodrug OBI-3424, which selectively releases a potent DNA-alkylating antitumor agent in the presence of the aldo-keto reductase 1C3 (AKR1C3) enzyme that is highly expressed in tumors. Additional information can be found at
GlycOBI® and EndoSymeOBI® are registered trademarks of OBI Pharma, Inc.
About GlyTech, Inc.
GlyTech, Inc. is headquartered in Kyoto, Japan and was established in 2012 as the only bio-venture company in the world capable of the commercial production of human-type glycans. Its current mission is to contribute to efforts enabling people to live healthier lives by supporting the development of advanced products and technologies that take advantage of glycans, proteins, nucleotides and other naturally occurring biochemicals.
GlyTech's technology platforms include the glycan-based enhancement of drugs of various modalities, brain drug delivery technology, and peptide binder discovery services. GlyTech's own pipeline contains several assets that utilize glycans, and the company is conducting investigator-initiated clinical trials (P2a) for a glycosylated somatostatin with acromegaly as the target indication.
Additional information can be found at
Kevin Poulos
Chief Business Officer
OBI Pharma, Inc.
1.619.537.7698 Ext. 102
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