AI Now Enhances IIBA’s KnowledgeHub Experience
Available within IIBA’s online collection of content, knowledge, and tools, the new AI assistant is a member-only feature that provides AI-generated responses aligned with globally recognized standards in business analysis
TORONTO, March 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA) is pleased to announce the beta launch of an AI assistant in its KnowledgeHub. Powered by Microsoft’s Azure OpenAI, the new feature sources information exclusively from IIBA resources to empower business analysis professionals to be more efficient and productive. With 30,000 members worldwide, IIBA leads the global business analysis community and professional standards, shaping the practice of business analysis to achieve better enterprise outcomes.
Providing a seamless and robust way to engage with IIBA’s standards, the KnowledgeHub keeps evolving to meet member needs. Through an engaging and intuitive experience, the platform allows practitioners to enhance their business analysis know-how with practical “how do I” scenarios, case studies, downloadable templates and files, video sessions from leading business analysis professionals, and more.
“All kinds of AI tools are being developed at a massive pace—many of them with ongoing challenges and questions about ethical data sourcing and attribution,” says IIBA President and CEO Delvin Fletcher. “We wanted to take a thoughtful approach in our first KnowledgeHub AI tool, focus our work on the standards and related content that we curate for the global community, and provide a practical tool that not only references the underlying source but also connects users directly to it.”
Designed to provide quick, relevant responses to business analysis queries, the assistant is a chat interface specifically trained on business analysis content developed by IIBA and community subject matter experts. It provides IIBA members with:
- Trusted expertise. The AI assistant’s knowledge base is sourced directly from IIBA standards and curated assets, ensuring responses align with best practices.
- An intuitive interface. The citations section, links to sources, glossary definitions, and a user-friendly interface make it easy for members to get the information they need quickly.
- Continuous learning. The AI assistant is designed to evolve and adapt alongside business analysis. Regular updates to the KnowledgeHub will ensure it remains a reliable and up-to-date resource for business analysis professionals.
In the daily work of business analysis professionals, it will enable:
- Greater efficiency. As AI becomes more prevalent, it can empower members to become more efficient and effective in their approach to business analysis work, ultimately leading to better business outcomes.
- Enhanced decision-making. By leveraging the AI assistant, IIBA members can reference vast amounts of data quickly and accurately, leading to faster and better-informed decisions.
- Increased productivity. Using AI technology allows for quicker research within a trusted source and allows IIBA members to focus on more strategic and high-value activities. This can result in increased efficiency and productivity across various business analysis activities.
The development of this feature reflects IIBA’s ongoing collaboration with the business analysis community to anticipate member needs and deliver commensurate value through quality products and services.
By leveraging AI-powered tools and techniques, business analysis professionals can better support their organizations through faster development cycles and improved efficiencies, with the freedom to spend much-needed time on performing analysis and driving better business outcomes.
For more information and a free seven-day trial with access to IIBA’s KnowledgeHub for a limited time, visit the IIBA website.
About IIBA
For over 20 years, the International Institute of Business Analysis™ (IIBA®) has shaped the practice of business analysis to achieve better enterprise outcomes. A professional association with 30,000 members, 120 chapters, 1,500 volunteers, and 500 partners worldwide, IIBA supports the recognition of business analysis within organizations. It enables networking and community engagement, provides foundational standards and resources, and offers internationally recognized certification programs for career advancement. For more information, visit
Media Contact
Robert McClements, Communications and Media Relations Specialist
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