Emulate Human Muscles, Transcend Human Capabilities: Wisson Robotics' General-purpose Soft Robo
Wisson Pliabot® Robots, Emulate Human Muscles, Transcend Human Capabilities
Wisson Pliabot® Robots, Emulate Human Muscles, Transcend Human Capabilities
HONG KONG, Dec. 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Wisson Robotics, a global pioneer in general-purpose soft robotics, will debut at CES 2025 with its Pliabot® technology, a revolutionary commercial and universal soft robotics with human-like muscles and embodied AI, and innovative Pliabot® robots for aerial operations and EV automatic charging. Visit Wisson at Booth #8262, Smart Cities, North Hall of LVCC.
Committed to free humans from harsh environments or repetitive tasks through disruptive innovation in robot core technology, Wisson leverages a decade of expertise in soft robotics to make Pliabot® technology commercially available and universally applicable to provide safe, dexterous, lightweight, resilient and affordable robots and solutions for various industries. With cost-effective robots highly adaptable to the complex and ever-changing environment, many more industries, rather than just manufacturing among a few, now could benefit from robots applications for better productivity and experience.
As the world's leading general-purpose soft robotics, Wisson's Pliabot® technology replicates characteristics of human muscles through its "soft muscles + neuronic intelligence" dual-propeller approach, bringing high adaptability, high load-to-weight ratio, safe interaction, high environmental resistance and significant cost advantages which the rigid robotics hard to offer. Besides, designed as a modular platform, Pliabot® bionic joints, arms and "neuronic-cerebellar-cerebral-cloud" AI systems could easily integrate with mobile chassis, lifts, assembly lines, wearable devices, unmanned aerial vehicles, robotic dogs and humanoid robots, best for meeting the needs in different scenarios or industries.
Powered by Pliabot®'s technological and commercial advantages, Wisson has led the industry in bringing general-purpose soft robotics to market. It was the first to achieve mass production and delivery of soft robots worldwide, and versatile Pliabot® robots have been developed and deployed to over 100 countries, regions and cities, serving industries such as facade cleaning, autonomous driving, new energy, logistics, urban management, marine services and power grid. These innovations have generated significant commercial and social value for our clients and the community.
At CES 2025, Wisson will showcase the unique capabilities, including Wisson's popular AP3-P3 for facade cleaning, the versatile AP30-N1 aerial manipulator featuring the signature Pliabot® arm, and the one-of-a-kind Pliabot® EV charging robot. Wisson aims to demonstrate Pliabot®’s potential and partner with industries to explore new applications.
For more info: https://www.wissonrobotics.com/en/
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/b2c101fd-1fce-4526-a2ff-7e9870ebafbf
Dateline: Hong Kong
Source: Wisson International Limited
Contacts: Zoey Lee
Email: liziyi@wissonrobotics.com
Phone: 17322584646
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