Intesa Sanpaolo leads the Eurozone by market capitalisation

The strategy of the banking group led by Carlo Messina is highly valued by investors
ROME, Jan. 02, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- With yesterday’s closing price of €3.8630, Intesa Sanpaolo has secured the top position among Eurozone banks by market capitalisation, valued at €69 billion, surpassing Santander (€67 billion) and BNP Paribas (€66 billion). Additionally, Intesa Sanpaolo boasts a “market value-to-equity” ratio higher than major European banking giants such as HSBC and UBS. The closing value of the last trading session of the year at Piazza Affari reaffirms the institution as the Eurozone leader in total shareholder return (combining share price growth and dividend distribution) over the past decade, with a +213% increase. Since January 2014, the bank’s stock value has risen by 115%, with a capitalisation increase of €40 billion. Over the same period, dividends distributed amounted to €31 billion, resulting in a cumulative cash dividend yield of 98%.
The strategy implemented by the banking group, led by CEO Carlo Messina, has been highly appreciated by investors. It is founded on a solid ability to achieve organic growth, a business model characterised by a significant share of revenue generated from wealth management, strong and sustainable profitability, robust capitalisation, and substantial investments in technological innovation and the professional development of its employees. The bank has also launched an international programme to support individuals in difficult circumstances, focusing on combating food poverty, promoting healthcare, and providing shelter, with a commitment of €1.5 billion by 2027.
In 2025, Intesa Sanpaolo plans to complete its business strategy unveiled in February 2022, with a net profit target initially set at over €6.5 billion and later revised upwards in October during the presentation of the Q3 2024 results to €9 billion for 2025. The bank, chaired by Gian Maria Gros-Pietro and led by Carlo Messina, will see its Board of Directors renewed by shareholders, including the foundations, in the spring.
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