iHerb Debuts Digital Wellness Hub to Empower Personal Health Goals
Complimentary online resource offers over 1,200 informative articles, recipes, videos and podcasts from numerous wellness experts and translated in 14 languages
iHerb Wellness Hub
The free online resource offers valuable information on wellness, fitness, nutrition, beauty and more in 14 languages.
IRVINE, Calif., Jan. 02, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- iHerb, one of the world's leading online retailers for vitamins, minerals, supplements and other health and wellness products, today announced the launch of its iHerb Wellness Hub, an online multimedia destination for wellness, fitness, nutrition, beauty and more. This innovative global platform features a wide array of health articles, recipes, videos, and podcasts, providing valuable insights on the role vitamins, minerals, and supplements, herbs and natural remedies play in promoting a healthy lifestyle.†
Available in 14 languages, the iHerb Wellness Hub empowers its global community to make informed decisions about health and wellness products through comprehensive, accessible resources. The platform offers a diverse range of content, including over 1,200 articles written by experts, including doctors, naturopathic doctors, physicians, registered dietitians, and other leaders in the healthcare industry.
“With the abundance of misinformation available online, finding trustworthy sources for health-related content has never been more important,” said Neil Folgate, SVP of Global Marketing at iHerb. “The iHerb Wellness Hub is designed to help address this issue by curating objective, research-based content that covers a variety of topics related to diet and nutrition, longevity, energy, metabolism, and overall health. We're proud to help consumers confidently make informed choices about their health and will continue these efforts in the spirit of advancing wellness globally.”
The expert-driven content ensures that individuals have unlimited access to reliable information when making decisions about their well-being, empowering them to take the next step in their health journey. This is particularly impactful at a time when, according to NIH*, nearly 60 percent of adults struggle to distinguish reliable sources of health information online. Staying true to its decades-long mission of making health and wellness accessible to all, the iHerb Wellness Hub is completely free and doesn’t require visitors to create an online profile to gain access.
Whether consumers are wanting to learn about the potential benefits of specific vitamins, the importance of essential minerals, or the most effective supplements for their needs, the iHerb Wellness Hub serves as a trusted resource for all their health-related queries.
The iHerb Wellness Hub will replace the popular iHerb Blog, which attracted nearly 20 million visitors in 2024. The new Wellness Hub organizes iHerb’s extensive blog content, enabling consumers to easily navigate the vast library that is now categorized by Wellness, Fitness, Nutrition and Beauty. The iHerb Wellness Hub offers tips on managing sleep, gut health, menopause, bone health, hair loss, and so much more. Some of the articles also include natural ways to increase testosterone, how to support healthy aging, and the benefits of snail mucin for daily skincare.
Anyone who is ready to take charge of their health can join the growing community of wellness enthusiasts who are utilizing the iHerb Wellness Hub to guide and enhance their personal health journey.
The following insightful articles: “How to Start a Healthy Lifestyle” and “How to Detox your Body in 8 Simple Steps” offer practical guidance for a fresh start to the new year.
†The Wellness Hub does not intend to provide diagnosis, treatment, or medical advice.
* https://newsinhealth.nih.gov/2020/08/finding-reliable-health-information-online
About iHerb:
iHerb is one of the world's leading online retailers dedicated to offering an unbeatable selection of vitamins, minerals, supplements and other health and wellness products, including sports nutrition, beauty, bath and personal care, grocery, baby and pet care from over 1,800 reputable brands. Supported by a global workforce of 3,000 team members, iHerb serves over 12 million global customers across 180 countries and 22 languages. iHerb's sophisticated global logistics network is anchored by seven climate-controlled fulfillment centers located in the U.S. and Asia, providing customers a seamless and reliable shopping experience. Founded in 1996 and based in Irvine, California, iHerb is on a mission to make health and wellness accessible to all. For more information, please visit corporate.iherb.com.
iHerb Media Relations:
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